Let the Waters Abound with Amazing Creatures

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 9 Comments

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. ~Albert Einstein

A couple of weeks ago I went with my son’s family on a trip and on one of the days, we visited an aquarium. I’ve been to aquariums several times and perhaps have a few times thought what my sister said to me before I left for the trip with plans for the aquarium. “When you’ve seen one fish, you’ve seen them all.”  But once at the aquarium and peering through the glass at the wonderful array of fish in all their unique glory, I realized how wrong that was. In fact, I think her saying that and me sort of agreeing with her made me open my eyes to take note of the amazing diversity of fish and other sea creatures. Seeing the fish had me thinking of this old hymn published in 1848 by Cecil Frances Alexander.

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.

And I couldn’t have been more wrong to consider one fish the same as another. For example, there’s Mr. Grumpy fish that looked like he was having a very bad day and then there was the lacy looking fish that looked as if it could be the bow on a birthday gift. Not to mention the jellyfish that certainly are beautiful and have the ability to change in front of one’s very eyes from one color to another.

But the best part of my visit to the aquarium was seeing the fish and other marine creatures through the eyes of my grandchildren and the other children in the place as they admired the various fish and were entranced by the sharks swimming overhead. The visit was a highlight time for my youngest granddaughter who claimed manta rays and sea turtles as her favorite animals. She and her father watched the manta rays for a very long time while her older siblings waited patiently. She was thrilled, as I was, when the turtle came out of hiding and swam all around while we were moving through the shark tunnel.

Then God said, “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heaves.” So God created great seat creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.   …Genesis 1:20-21 (NKJ)

Without a doubt, I was very wrong to ever think if you’ve seen one fish you’ve seen them all. The Lord filled the seas with a wonderful array of creatures, some of which may yet to be discovered it its depths. The Lord blessed our world with so much that is bright and beautiful. That includes all His people with our unique abilities and talents, but the Lord God made us all.

Have you ever been to an aquarium and been entranced by the beauty of fish swimming all around you? 

Comments 9

    1. Post

      The aquariums keep adding features. Lucy. In this one in Gatlinburg they have penguins that they let paint with their feet. We missed that but we did see their artwork. I didn’t buy any though. 🙂

    1. Post

      That Aquarium restaurant sounds interesting, Caryl. And you’re right about it being relaxing to watch the fish swimming by, even the sharks merely look interesting and no threat on the other side of the glass.

  1. I love going to aquariums and seeing the beautiful variety of creatures our Lord has made! When my husband and I went to an aquarium in Arizona about a year ago, we saw for the 1st time a walking batfish! So cool!

    1. Post
  2. I’ve been to several aquariums to include the second largest in the world which is in Okinawa. I never tire of seeing God’s beautiful creations displayed so magnificently. The engineering of the tanks side by side and overhead is amazing. Gulfport, MS is opening a brand new aquarium on August 29th. Of course, we had planned and looked forward to going but not now. Gulfport is on Hwy 90 on the coast. Only one town, Biloxi, West of us. On the coast one town runs into the next. Have a blessed and beautiful week and stay well. 🙏🏻

    1. Post

      Sounds as though you know aquariums, Karen. I’ve been to three different ones and two of those twice, I think. I did enjoy touring this one with my grandkids. The last time we went the two older grandkids were 4 and 2 and now they are 20 and 18. I have a picture of my grandson posing in the same place and the same way both times. I’ll have to post that sometime.

      1. The last aquarium we went to was in Newport, KY, two years ago this October. Second time there and was impressed both times. Beautiful!!!

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