All Mysteries Need a Solution

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 13 Comments

And so this version of the mystery photo game comes to an end. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope it made you think. I hope you didn’t get too perplexed by the pictures or too discouraged when you didn’t have a clue what you were looking at.

Oh, and I have no earthly idea why I’m sharing this picture of my neighbor’s duck that came over to visit in my yard yesterday. Or maybe I do. I’m reading this book where one of the characters has a pet duck. Might look like this guy. Or it could be that I’m trying to let you see what might be a future mystery photo. Can’t you just see how mysterious it would look if I zeroed in on this guy’s bill? So now you’ll have a heads up if I do use the picture in the future. I’ll probably do some other kind of game before I strain my brain coming up with mystery photos again.

I did do a lot of smiling with this round of pictures. The only easy one was the cloud, and now aren’t you glad I gave you that easy one? Trust me, it wasn’t on purpose. At the same time I didn’t expect to pitch two complete shut-outs and one other with only one right answer. That has to be my best mystery photo bunch ever along with a record of most guesses made. On all five mystery photos, I had over 150 suggestions as to what the photos might be. Of course, many of you guessed on each picture to get more entries in the giveaway or maybe just to have fun.

I wasn’t surprised I pitched that shut-out with the lock. That was one hard mystery photo. I am a little surprised at the shut-out on Wednesday’s mystery photo. Yes, that’s right. None of you got it right. Nobody was even close. Wooden things – step, barn, dog house, barn door, railing, floor, fence – were the popular ideas, and the photo does look like wood. Sort of. I probably would have guessed that too.

A couple of you thought it looked like celery stalks.  The most interesting guesses, by two of you, were hair. I liked the idea of a tractor tire or tire mark in the mud. Lavon, who had a busy weekend with her family, must have been sweeping up with a broom and saw those broom bristles. Pam’s guess of metal bleachers was neat. Wrong, but neat. The two closest, and they weren’t really close, were Lisa and Marji with their guesses of flower. At least they thought it was a plant.

Okay now for the big reveal.

A mushroom from the underside. I was probably trying to be artistic when I took this picture a year or so ago. Never thought about it turning out to be such a mystery.

But your guesses made the game so much fun. I hope you had fun too.

Drumroll please. The Winners of the Mystery Photo Game giveaway are: 

Pam P from Florida who picked my book, Words Spoken True. Pam made me happy by saying she had just discovered my books this past year and had already read several of them, including my new book, The Song of Sourwood Mountain. I warned her that Words Spoken True wasn’t much like most of my other books. At least, I don’t think so. Do you?

Joanne W from Rhode Island who picked my new book, The Song of Sourwood Mountain. She made me happy letting me know her book club just read In the Shadow of the River. Love book clubs.

Susan F from North Carolina who picked The Outsider and also made me happy by saying she was going to order the other 7 Shaker books for her collection. Love it when readers collect my books.

Thanks guys for being so prompt to answer my emails.

Did you like exercising your imaginations trying to figure out these mystery photos? 

Stay tuned for another game here soon. Maybe a caption game next. Oh, and what would you name this duck? The duck pet in the mystery I’m reading is named Rosa.

Comments 13

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      The duck is very brown and that could go for a male or female duck, Shirley. I named the puppy in Along a Storied Trail Rusty. Well, the little boy in the book named the puppy Rusty. 🙂

  1. Congratulations to Pam, Joanne and Susan! Thank you, Ann for another fun mystery photo game. Lots of fun reading all the guesses. I’m guessing that duck is female so Daisy would be a good name.

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      Daisy the duck. Yeah, I think that would be a good duck name.

      I’m glad you thought the mystery photo game was fun. I didn’t expect to trick so many people this time. Hope that made it even more fun. I like being at least a little mysterious.

  2. The mystery photos were really fun. I loved learning what others guessed and also what was really in the photo. Maybe it’s just the photo, but this poor duck does not look like she’s the prettiest duck on the lake. I’m going to help her feel pretty and call her Bella.

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      I love your kindness for the “ugly” duck. While you don’t think she’s the prettiest on the lake, Karen, I rather thought she was very proud of her appearance as she stared at me. LOL. So she will be glad to be called Bella.

      Glad you enjoyed the mystery photo game.

  3. I love the photo of the underside of a mushroom. I would never have guessed that, but I think it was extremely clever!

    I would name the duck Wilhelmina and call her Willie or Mina to make her name shorter to say.

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      That’s a fancy name for a duck, Suzanne, but somehow it seems to fit.

      I’m glad you liked the mushroom mystery. I think I’ve done other mushroom pictures before that were guessed. The dark color of this one made it more mysterious, I think.

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