You can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl!!
Okay, here I am trying on my fancy smancy dress before taking off for the ACFW Conference last week. My necklace is glittering. I’m practicing my smile – squinting a bit since my husband insisted I had to look into the sun. The dress looks sharp. But what do you see right over the deck railing beside me? A cow’s back. What can I say? I’m a country girl. I can’t remember a time when there wasn’t a cow around. My grandkids love it. The last time a couple of my WV grandkids came to visit, the four-year-old kept looking at the seven-year-old and saying with great wonder and surprise, “Our Grandma’s a farmer!” I could never decide if she was impressed or amused. But having a cow around (or country living) is good for keeping a girl’s feet on the ground not to mention having to watch where she steps to make sure she doesn’t put her foot in something she’d rather not. So I’m glad I live in the country with cows out in the fields and deer that sneak in at night to eat all the apples off my trees. As long as I can keep them out of my strawberries next spring. At the same time it was fun going off to the big city (Indianapolis was a big enough city for me) and getting to know so many writers last week. But of course I got to eat humble pie. When my time to sign books came around, nobody came to my table for my autograph. The writer next to me had a line. I took pictures of her. I should have taken a picture of lonely me. But being a country girl, I shrugged it off. And when I got home I had some e-mails from sweet readers who told me they enjoyed reading my books. So there are times when you can be the glittery, dressed up writer and enjoy the special events, but there are more times when I have to be the country girl at home taking care of chores and trying to come up with a new idea that readers will like enough to pick up my book – and maybe even want my autograph on the inside cover someday. Meanwhile I’ve got to go for a walk and you can bet I’ll be watching where I step.Birthday Book GiveawayDon’t forget – if you haven’t entered my birthday giveaway, you still have time. I’ll be doing the drawing on the last day of September. I mean if I have to get older, I might as well celebrate by doing something fun and I think it’s fun to give away books. You can check out the details, etc. on the Events page of my website or down in the box at the bottom of the homepage. Thanks for reading.