Spring has sprung!

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

It’s officially spring by the calendar now. And on top of that we’re having this super moon. I went out to look for it a while ago and it must be cloudy. I did see it last night, but not as it was coming up the way I wanted to. I am seeing everybody’s pictures – those people who went out to look at the right time. Oh well.


I am enjoying the coming of spring. The flowers blooming. The birds singing. The basketballs bouncing. March madness, you know, and my team’s still in the hunt for at least one more game. So I can enjoy the madness another week. Once they get beat out, I lose a lot of my enthusiasm.

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This flower picture is from a spring a few years ago, but I thought it looked very springy. But have you ever noticed how a lot of the early spring flowers are yellow? Then the other colors get added in. My mom enjoys flowers. We try to keep something blooming on the table in the room where she sits the most. It gives her something to talk about and to enjoy. Right now since it was just her birthday, she has three bunches of flowers, an orchid and an amaryllis about to open up. Lots to enjoy. And a way to bring spring inside to her.


Last week I asked my Facebook friends what made them think spring. We came up with some good signs of spring. Those singing birds and blooming flowers. Lawnmowers roaring. Fish biting. Basketball tournaments – that March Madness. Kids riding bikes. Children swinging at the park. Bats hitting balls. Busy car washes. Colorful garden centers. Easter baskets.


Of course some of the FB friends also mentioned sneezing. Pollen aplenty in the air. And I could mention grumbling about taxes. Getting receipts in order is not the happiest way to spend a spring day, but I had to do that this weekend.


In my upcoming Shaker book, The Blessed, that’s due out in the summer, I have a character who does a dandelion dance to welcome spring. So I looked for dandelions when I went for a walk today. I saw scads of some kind of teeny white flowers. I didn’t see a single dandelion. I surely just missed them. Or maybe I didn’t see them on purpose so I wouldn’t have to try that dandelion dancing. 🙂 Easier to stick to writing about dancing for me. I have two left feet. Then again, a dance to welcome spring wouldn’t necessarily have to be graceful – just joyful.

Here’s a quote from Nadine Stair who sounds as if she might jump right in with my character to do that dandelion dance. “If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would pick more daisies.”


So I hope you are embracing spring and living each day with joy. What makes you know it’s spring?