I’ve been having fun with this picture on my Facebook Author’s page. I had posted a picture of Darrell and me on his birthday last week and mentioned how long we’d been together. A loooonnng time. We met and started dating when I was fourteen and he was seventeen. My parents trusted me too much, I’m thinking now. But it turned out well.
Anyway one of my FB friends asked to see us when we were young. This is probably the first picture we ever took together. We were at an amusement park in Lexington, KY called Joyland Park. It’s long been defunct, but we went on a date there. Actually we went with Darrell’s church youth group from Goshen where we still go to church these days. They had a lot of young people then. We don’t have so many now. So do you remember those little booths they used to have where you put in quarters and went inside and the camera snapped five quick pictures and printed them out in a little strip? This picture is one of those. I don’t know what happened to the others. Maybe they were of us sitting down or not looking at the camera. You had to be ready when you went in those booths. Darrell carried this one around in his billfold for years. That’s why it has some worn places on it. I found it in a bunch of old pictures of his a year or so ago and stuck it on the fridge just to remind myself of how young we used to be. You can see in this that we had the whole world in front of us and we were eager to get started on the journey.
We’re quite a bit down the road now as you can see in this picture taken a couple years ago with our nine beautiful grandchildren. It’s been great having the people – our children and grandkids – join us in life’s journey.
Darrell had another birthday just last week. I cooked one of his favorite meals – greens and hard boiled eggs. He went to practice singing. He’s been singing gospel music for almost forty years with one group or another. He sings bass. Now he’s singing with The Patriot Quartet. They have a website if you want to check out his low down sound. www.patriotquartet.com We’ll celebrate more for his birthday and Father’s Day on Saturday by churning up some homemade banana ice cream. At least that’s the plan.
Thanks for reading. I know you won’t believe somebody as “young” as me forgot to post this last night, but better late than never. Hope your journey down life’s road is a good one too.