One Thin Dime and Other Treasures

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

I’m sure you’ve heard people say they don’t have “a dime to their name.” Or that some things are a “dime a dozen.” Or it’s “not worth a dime.”

You can be absolutely sure they weren’t talking about this dime. Take a good look at this beauty and then take another look. It’s worth it. I’m not a coin collector, but this story caught my eye in the newspaper yesterday. This little dime sold for 1.6 million dollars. Yes, this one thin dime. And actually after the buyer’s fee is added, it ends up costing 1.84 million. It was minted in Carson City, Nevada during a one day run of dimes in 1873 and was part of a collection of every coin made in Carson City before that mint closed in 1893. I’ve just got one word for that. Wow! And if you happen to come across a dime that looks like this, remember, it’s definitely not worth a dime. It’s worth a million of them.

It’s interesting to think about what things are worth. Makes me think of that commercial about how some things are priceless. This dime wasn’t. It brought a price – a big price. But so many other things in life are beyond price. Love. Family. Health. True friends. The wag of a dog’s tail. Watching a grandchild (or two of them) blow out birthday candles. Being able to do the things you love to do. In life, the things that matter most aren’t for sale. They are gifts that we can open with joy.

What are some of the gifts or blessings without price that you treasure?

Remember, I’m giving away a copy of The Gifted to two of you who comment on one of my posts this week. Either this one or the one last Wednesday, Romance with Books. In fact if you comment on both posts, then I’ll throw your name into my hat twice.

I do so appreciate the way some of you follow me when I visit other blogs. I was a visitor on Cathy West’s This is a Blog about Books last Friday answering the question, Who Am I? If you want to read about my writing roots, you can check that out. But you also definitely deserve a chance to win here. Of course, if you just want to comment without being in the drawing, that would be great too. Always enjoy seeing your comments.

Thanks for reading and commenting too.