Blessings by the Bushel

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

unthankful heart …discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep
through the day and, as the magnet finds iron, so it will find in every hour,
some heavenly blessings!
 ~ Henry Ward Beecher
I have so many blessings to count on Thanksgiving
Day that it would take me a while if I tried to even name only the biggest
blessings. And how can you give a size to blessings. All blessings are good and
make our life better. Sometimes at our church we talk about the everyday
blessings, and isn’t it great that we can count those blessings everyday. A
couple of my everyday blessings in my bushel of blessings are sunshine and a
beautiful place to live. It’s a blessing that I can walk on my farm and take
pictures to remember the beauty of the day and to share with my friends here on
the net. My Facebook friends like it when I post something I spot on my walks.
I’ve put out photos of snakes and buzzards, flowers and trees, frogs and cows,
mushrooms and rocks. I guess I could call all of them everyday blessings.  
Of course, a beautiful family is a blessing I’m glad
to have in my bushel of blessings and especially the grandkids in the family. I’m
thankful for children who can run and play. I’m thankful my great-niece is
finished with her cancer treatments and can be with the other children to have
a good time. I’m thankful for curious children who like to check out lady bugs
and worms.
I’m thankful I can write stories that some of you
like to read. I’ve always wanted to tell stories and I feel blessed that I’ve
been able to follow that dream for all these years.
I’m thankful for my mother even though things are
hard right now for her and for us. But so many great years we’ve had together.
Family is such a great blessing. My church family and friends too.  And you. I’m thankful that you take the time
to share my journal here. You are in my bushel of blessings.
So many great blessings. I’ll be counting for weeks, and I can hope for good health and good sense, too.
health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings.
Wishing you both in this Thanksgiving season. As
always, thanks for reading, and I’d love to hear what you have in your bushel of