The Mystery Revealed

A Cow Picture for the Cow Guesses

On to the Winners
I did draw for the two winners of Orchard of Hope. Susan from CA and Mary Preston. So far I haven’t exactly been able to contact them. I’m having trouble with that lately. But I have sent Susan a Facebook message and I’m hoping Mary will send me a message on Facebook or leave a way to contact her in a comment here. If I don’t hear from them, I’ll draw more winners next week.
Meanwhile – You Might Win Christmas at Harmony Hill
You can hop over to WFBC Media Center Blog to read my Christmas themed interview there and leave a comment on that that blog for a chance to win Christmas at Harmony Hill. I shared a couple of recipes too. One for the Christmas punch my aunt made when I was a kid and I’ve carried on the tradition and another for Hummingbird Cake. Don’t ask me why they call it hummingbird cake. I have no idea!
A Captive Audience
Tomorrow morning I’m going to one of my granddaughter’s school and talk to some school kids. That’s why they’re a captive audience. Their teacher will insist they listen to me or at least I hope they will. Two first grades, two second grades and two fifth grades – in three different sessions. I love talking to kids but I’m a little worried I won’t be able to keep their attention for the time the librarian has scheduled for me. And three sessions is a lot of talking. I’m hoping I won’t let my second grader granddaughter down. Pressure’s on! Prayers appreciated!