This picture is a few years old. My grandson is taller than me now and I can’t pick up both the little ones anymore, but this is the last birthday photo I have of me. Grandkids make a birthday fun, but now my birthday month has come to an end. It’s October. That means it’s time to pick winners in my Birthday Giveaway Contest. And in fine storytelling form – you know, where the writer makes you wait for the part of the story you most want to find out about – how about a couple more birthday stories before we close out the fun?
Here’s Betty’s birthday story.
I am from a large family, 5 girls and 4 boys. I had a great childhood and learned about family and sharing through the examples of my parents. We never had a lot, but birthdays were always special. Mom let us choose what we wanted to eat for our birthday dinner and of course, there was always ice cream and cake for dessert. Two of my sisters’ birthdays were problematic though as they were December 23rd and December 25th. There was always so much going on for the Christmas holiday that their birthdays seemed to be trivialized and not very special. One year my mother decided to bake two birthday cakes and celebrate each sister separately. Hopefully, they would feel special. One cake was round with bright red frosting and looked like a Christmas tree decoration. The other was green and shaped like a Christmas tree. The love and thought that went into the preparations were great…however, no one wanted red or green cake! All these years later, (over 50!) we all still refer to those “special” Christmas birthday cakes. So I think Mom actually did achieve her objective of making the birthdays special!
Do any of you have “Christmas” birthdays? I’ve always thought it might be a good idea to celebrate those a year and a half – in June or July. My daughter-in-law has a birthday close to Christmas and she says she was never happy to get a birthday gift combined with her Christmas gift or to get the birthday gift wrapped in Christmas paper. I try to remember that. 🙂
Tish shares a sweet story about her little boy’s gift to his mom that has lasted through the years and still warms her heart.
When my son was a little boy, he bought
me my first Peony bush. He went into Lowe’s and saw the bush and asked his
Daddy if he could buy it for my birthday. …He was so
happy to give me my gift. Every year it blooms and brings back memories of him
as a little tot so proud of himself and the bush.
Last Cheri tells how she gets back at her kids for deciding to be born in the middle of the night.
at the time of day that they were born on their birthday. And the best part is
that they were all born in the middle of the night!! They actually seem to love