A Christmas Weekend

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal Leave a Comment

    Are you willing to believe that love
is the strongest thing in the world – stronger than hate, stronger than evil,
stronger than death – and that the blessed life which began in Bethlehem two
thousand years ago is the image and brightness of the Eternal Love?  Then you can keep Christmas.
E. Rundel
There’s nothing quite like Christmas. Excited kids. A flurry of gift wrap flying that takes thirty minutes to undo hours of shopping and wrapping. Kids always think the packages are going to reveal more fun than they do. I remember how there is just something magical about a wrapped gift with your name on it. When you’re a kid, it can be anything. Anything at all before you tear off the wrapping paper and pull open the box. My daughter got a huge wrapped box and one of my grandsons was so excited to help her open it up. You could see his visible let-down when it held nothing more exciting than a sewing machine cover. To him, it was a total waste of gift anticipation. He was so sure the mere size of the package promised something wonderful. 
But the best part of most gifts we receive is the love that is behind whatever is in the box. Somebody loved us enough to want to give us something to make us happy. No matter how successful the actual physical gift may or may not turn out to be, the feelings behind the gift can warm our hearts and make us glad. Well, maybe you have to be older than my six-year-old grandson to get that feeling. 🙂
My other little grandson was not feeling well. He didn’t have much fun and ended up having to take  medicine and sacking out on the bed with his big sister. She was ready to sit with him and nap with him to make sure he was okay. The boys are so blessed to have a loving big sister. 
I am blessed by those wonderful grandchildren and my kids too, but also by my extended family too. My sister-in-law allows us to gather at her house and enjoy an extra day of Christmas. It’s a fill up your plate and find a seat wherever you can. Of course, if you eat standing up, you can usually manage that extra piece of lemon meringue pie or peanut butter fudge. We do one of those gift exchanges. That’s always fun. I ended up with flashlights and my husband ended up with a teacup and teabags. Not exactly his kind of gift, but I like tea!
I missed having a get-together with my side of the family. This was our first year without Mom and Christmas Eve seemed to lack an important family event – seeing Mom. But think what the celebration must be like in heaven. We can only imagine, but Mom can know.
Did have have an extended family celebration this year?

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