“Oh how I’ve missed you, Hidden Springs! That warm feeling when you see a friend that you haven’t seen in a while and just know that you’re going to enjoy your time together. That’s how I felt when I found this book in my mailbox. Once again we are transported to the small town of Hidden Springs and the cast of characters that call this town home.” (Read the whole review here.)
That’s a great start to a review. Thanks, Rick. Right after a book is first out for readers, reviews start showing up online. Sometimes as an author, I’m almost afraid to look because it can be a mystery what readers are going to think. What usually happens is that some people love your story and some people don’t. What I have to hope for is a big percentage on the love my story side and only a few on the don’t love the story side. So far Murder Is No Accident is doing pretty good in the percentages. Rick who wrote the review above from a man’s perspective shared a link to his review on my Facebook page. I try to always read the reviews of my books that my Facebook friends share with me. After all, they’ve taken the time to write out their thoughts and if you’ve ever tried to write a review of a book, you know it’s not that easy to sum up the story and how you felt about it in a few paragraphs. It’s good not to share any spoilers or to tell too much about what happens in the story. That’s especially important with mysteries.
But back to the mysteries here on my blog posts the last couple of weeks. I love reading your guesses about my mystery photos. Some of you are so good at figuring out what they are or coming up with really unique guesses. What a gift our imaginations are to us! Just think about what God might have said when He started assembling all of us. “Hmm, I’ll give them each the ability to think, to make choices, and I’ll stir in some wonder. Oh, and for fun, I’ll let them be able to imagine and dream up the most amazing things. No robots for Me. I want children who aren’t afraid to try their wings.”
That’s just my crazy imagination going to work. I did enjoy all your guesses. Most all of you realized it was some sort of plant. After all, it was pretty green although Emily, perhaps in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, did say maybe it was pasta. My daughter made green bread l
ast year on St. Patrick’s Day. Very green bread. Some of you thought about terraniums. That was a good guess. Linda saw fish and Ola wondered about hummingbirds. That was because of those little red things. Christmas cactus was a good guess too. I like Christmas cactus, but I’ve killed every one I ever had. Mom’s were always gorgeous, but she had a green thumb.
So here’s the rest of the picture. It’s moss growing on a rock on the ground along one of my walking paths. I had no idea those little red blooms were hidden down in the moss until I made the mystery picture Wednesday.
Now, up top, is the new mystery picture. Have no idea if this one will be easy or hard. Remember, it’s more fun to guess before you read everybody else’s guesses, but then it is fun to see what else has been guessed. Each time you guess on a new picture, you get another entry in the drawing to perhaps win your choice of one of my books. I’ll pick three winners next Sunday, March 26th, so you’ll have this picture to guess and then one more mystery picture on Wednesday. You must be 18 to take part in the giveaway, but it’s fair to ask your kids to help you guess. But win or lose, it’s fun to use those imaginations the good Lord gave us.
As always thanks for reading.
Comments 25
I think it looks a little like a pattern on a counter top. Sometimes you can see strange shapes in them like you do clouds.
Fun guess, Connie Lee. I would have never thought of trying to trick you with taking a photo of a counter top. Actually my daughter took this picture, so you never know about her. You will soon know though because I’m getting ready to post mystery picture 4 and reveal the rest of mystery picture 3.
Wow i am way off again but i really enjoy doing it and trying to figure out what it is and it is relaxing to do as you know there is a right ans but not really it’s a guessing game so no right or wrong now this one looks like a face of a duck one of those rubber ducks .
A rubber ducky face, Peggy. That’s a great guess. Maybe right. Maybe not. But I do hope you’re having fun guessing. I have fun working on these pictures and wondering is this one hard enough or too easy to guess. I would have never guessed this one for sure.
I think it is the handle to a dresser or chest of drawers! Call me crazy, it’s all right!
Not a bad guess at all, Pat. And if anybody is nuts around here, it’s probably me trying to trick you all with mystery pictures. Of course, I’m not saying your guess is right, but it’s not crazy.
Some more great guesses, everybody. Thanks so much for playing and coming up with great answers.
Sandi, you’re no the first to go down the fish trail. Could be all of you are right. Could be, you’re not. 🙂
Karen – the picture is a little blurry, but did you ever try to get a white lizard to sit still for a picture? Or powder a pug? Not saying I have either, but it does sound like a challenge. The question is was it one I took.
Maria – those fish in aquariums will sometimes pose for their pictures. That could have been what happened. Or not. You’ll find out on Wednesday.
Wilma – 2 puppies in a lap. Now that sounds like a really fun picture to take. Puppies in a lap has to be fun.
Looks like 2 puppies on someone’s lap.
This is an aquarium fish posing for his mug shot!!
It looks like a blurry white lizard or a powder faced pug to me.
I see a face, but I am one of those people who can “find” a face in nearly anything, anywhere. Too easy, I know, but I am guessing a fish face… perhaps a puffer!
Kathi, thanks for adding your guess here too. I knew you’d come over because you were making a guess about the new mystery picture. That green stuff didn’t look like a pufferfish, but this one might. Maybe right. Maybe not. See the rest of the picture on Wednesday.
Linda, you’ve gone fishing with Kathi. And who knows? One of you may be right. Just be assured that if it does turn out to be a white catfish, it was one somebody else caught. I don’t do that fishing stuff. LOL.
Ola, a frog face. You’re the second person to have frog in your answer. That might mean you’re on to something and it might not. Thanks for playing my mystery photo game.
Marji, that’s a fun guess. I could certainly catch that picture when my grandgirls are here. They love chocolate melting on their ice cream.
Evelyn, I’ve got to go look at that picture again after your guesses. You have one keen imagination. Love your guesses.
Pat, I think you might have guessed on Wednesday’s picture. Take another look. The new mystery picture is definitely not a spiky cactus. But that’s the mystery picture from Wednesday that the Facebook post picked up with my link.
Emily, I love that you’re playing my mystery photo game. You have such great guesses. Not saying you aren’t right. You could be. Wednesday night you’ll get to see the rest of the picture and find out.
A faint outline of a footprint in the snow or a blurry picture of a piece of ice in a glass taken sideways?
I hope and pray your finger is feeling better and healing well, Ann! 🌷 Isaiah 52:13-15🌷
Spiky cactus in bloom?
How’s the finger? Healing I pray.
I see a pig on the left of ….what ever and an elephant on the other side and several pairs of eyes but can’t tell what it is !
Looks like pieces of chocolate in melting ice cream…..you stumped me!
First thought was it looks like a frog face but I’m sure that’s not what it is.
My first thought is a white catfish! I know that’s crazy but you have won this one, I have no idea!
I put my guess on the comments section but I said a puffer fish smiling up at the camera😀
Great, some of you stopped by with guesses. Thank you for that. You know how it was when you were a kid, don’t you? Games are more fun when you have buddies show up to play with you.
Robin, you never know where Lamb Chop might show up.
Margaret, you’re right about the picture being small. I tried to make it bigger just now. But my technical skills with pictures isn’t the greatest. Usually I do these on my phone which copies the scaled down pictures better, but I did this one on my computer. Then I couldn’t get it to resize. No expert here. But love the way you made several guesses anyway. Who knows? One of them might be right.
Paula, I like your guesses. That would really be tricky of me, wouldn’t it? But you never know. I might be that tricky. My finger is doing all right. Still wearing a guard on it for a couple more week. Unhandy, but I can sort of type. I’ve decided I won’t lose my fingernail so that’s good. It will look bruised for a long time, but I think it will stay attached to my finger. Very happy about that. The doctor warned it would be sort of numb for months, but that might not be too bad since it’s my ring finger on my left hand. So all is good. Thanks for asking.
It sort of looks like Lamb Chop!
Well… I see craters on the moon, frog eyes, or a sheep’s head 🙂 The picture is so small it’s hard to tell what it might be!
A drop of water or a piece of ice that looks like a donut. How’s the finger Ann?