The Wonder of Mystery

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 39 Comments

Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand. Neil Armstrong

I love mysteries. I give mysteries some credit for me starting to dream of becoming a writer when I was a kid of nine or ten. That’s because some of the stories I loved then were Hardy Boy mysteries and I had the great idea of solving a mystery myself just the way those Hardy boys did in their stories.

However, I was a smart enough kid to know that mysteries didn’t drop down out of the sky and let wet behind the ears kids solve them. But I also knew that if somebody made up the story, anything could happen. That’s when the writing bug bit and I started writing a mystery starring me as the extra smart, extra cute and not shy at all super sleuth. That part took plenty of imagination for sure.

And so I started down this writing path way more years than I like to count up. But to give you an idea it’s been forty years since I got that first letter from my agent in 1978 to say that a historical novel I wrote about pioneers coming into Kentucky was going to be published. Many more books have followed that one. And now my 35th book, The Refuge has rolled out of the publishing company and is making its way out to readers. Reviews and comments are showing up. So far readers have had favorable things to say. But speaking of mysteries, (and we were, weren’t we? And yes, I know I dangled that participle, but a participle should be dangled on occasion) the response one’s story is going to get from readers is a mystery to most writers.

All right, I promise not to dangle any more participles. I wouldn’t want you to trip on them. But it’s time to talk mystery pictures instead of review mysteries. After the last mystery picture – the typewriter keys – was one that almost everybody got, this mystery picture stayed a mystery to all of you. Nobody got it exactly right although those of you, and there were several, who thought it might be Frankie’s tongue or a dog’s tongue were very, very close. But you see that cat. She’s hissing at you for thinking she was a dog. Loved all your imaginative guesses. And yes, once you guessed it, I had to admit that I too could see Spiderman when I looked at the mystery photo.





Some of you guessed fruit, an apple with a bite out of it, a dragonfruit, a red plum or a pomegranate. All a rosy red. Great guesses all and I had fun looking at the picture through your imaginative eyes. Some of the guesses had me smiling. Frankie thanks all of you who thought it might be his tongue, but he says his tongue might be too busy licking things for anybody to get a good picture.

Thanks to all of you who played the game. You got another entry into the drawing for a couple of books. We are down to our last mystery photo this game. I tried this mystery out on a couple of people. One got it. The other said it would be a good mystery. I’ve got a feeling it might be another typewriter key type picture. If it is, I’ll remind myself that’s it’s not whether you win or lose, but how you enjoy playing the game.

Do you like trying to figure out mysteries?

Thanks for reading. And guessing. try a new guess on this phot to have an entry in my giveaway for those books.

Comments 39

  1. I think it’s some kind of baked item with depressions and cracks in the crust possibly with something drizzled on top or juices seeping up from beneath the crust.

  2. You are good at stumping me with your mystery pictures….pat yourself on the back 😊
    No clue what this one is….my wild guess is apple strudel filling 😋

  3. The symmetry suggests a butterfly wing, but I’ve never seen a shiny one. This looks like something glazed, so I’m thinking a cherry or strawberry danish.
    I love solving mysteries! I didn’t read many Hardy Boy mysteries, but I plowed through most of Nancy Drew’s. There’s nothing quite as cozy as a rainy day, curled up with a page-turner mystery.
    The cat tongue was cute…great photo capture!

    1. Post

      Glad you liked the cat picture, Lavon. Actually it wasn’t my photo, but my sister’s. They sometimes try to help me find mystery photos and so does my daughter.

      Your guess is following in the line with some of the others as something to eat. Maybe I was hungry when I hunted up this mystery photo.

      I love it when I see a kid reading. Makes me remember all the great books I got to read when days seemed to last longer.

  4. I love this mystery game….I am going with my first thought, bacon…I think I may be wrong.,but it’s been so much fun playing.

  5. I love trying 😱but I am usually always way off
    So I am guessing French Toast with lots of butter and sugar

  6. Your third mystery photo looks like a poke cake, or waffles. You are making me hungry! I love guessing

  7. Oh, that’s hilarious!!! I’m glad you stumped us all!!!
    The first thought that came to mind on this last photo is pound cake with some kind of syrup, but I’m sure that’s not right. Anyway it’s fun trying! When I read a book I like to guess how it will end. Sometimes I’m right and other times not!

  8. I love trying to solve mysteries. I too devoured Hardy Boy books when I was young. The shine on this mystery photo has me puzzled. I’m going to guess it is a closeup of a shelled walnut piece.

  9. Dear Ann,
    I loved these mystery pictures, but I have to say I didn’t get any at all. I feel rather stupid. I just couldn’t get even near to a right answer. I did try, though, so that has to count for something.
    Will you do it again, some other time? I thought they were great!!!

    1. Post

      No need to feel stupid, Maylin. It’s all for fun and it’s even more fun (for me) when some of you don’t guess right. LOL. So you see you’re making me smile. I do these mystery photo games about a couple of times a year. So I’ll do it again, maybe this summer. Then who knows maybe it will come back by popular command again later in the year. It does strain my brain coming up; with tricky photos. So glad you played and certainly trying counts for a lot. Gets you entered in the drawing and you might be one of the lucky winners this time. 🙂

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