Murder Is No Accident
For some of my books, the publishers have designed graphics with quotes from the stories. They usually let me pick them out. Sometimes I can find one sentence that I think tells a bit of the story and makes you get a feel for the character or setting. But often I want to include more that one sentence. After all when I’m writing, one sentence leads to another to build the story.
Right now I’m in editing mode on my work in progress. I’ve read through the story and feel better about it than while I was writing it. That nearly always happens when I’m writing. I’ll think nothing is working with the story and then those sentences somehow connect and build a story I think somebody might want to read.
That’s not to say I can’t make it better by doing some tightening and cutting out unnecessary words. In editing I have to consider every word, every line, every paragraph and every scene. Does it work? Could it be better? Can I improve the story by hitting the delete key on some of the words? Have I let the reader discover the story through what’s happening?

Murder Comes by Mail

River to Redemption
So since I’m thinking about the value of each sentence I decided to do a little more line sharing. Sunday I shared those last lines. Today I’m sharing random lines from several stories. Some are dressed up in beautiful graphics. Others I’ve just shared in black and white. I don’t have time to make new graphics since I’ve got a lot of editing to do before the end of the month. But I do have this giveaway going and you need to have a reason to leave a comment on this post to get your name in my giveaway drawing hat. You can get an entry by leaving a comment with the graphic or the quote that pulls you into a setting or a story. Deadline to enter is Saturday night, June 15, 2019 at midnight EST. Winner gets a choice of one of my books plus a grab bag book by a different author. You must be at least 18 years old to enter.
So here goes with some extra random lines from some of my other books.
Secrets. Everybody had secrets they never told. (Scent of Lilacs)
Lorena laid her head down on Kate’s shoulder. “You smell like an angel.”
“Oh really? And what does an angel smell like?”
“You,” Lorena murmured. (Angel Sister)
Their father told Elizabeth not to worry about Hannah. That she would surely outgrow her wildness. That lacking a mother had opened a window in her mind that not many flew through. He had sounded almost proud. (The Believer)
Love could complicate matters. Or the lack of love. (An Appalachian Spring, my work in progress)
“Ma’am, you need to put down the gun and keep a hold on your dog,” the sheriff said.
Carlyn found her voice. “The gun’s pointed at the floor and the dog won’t bother anybody who doesn’t bother me.” (The Innocent)
Okay, your turn. Share which of these random sentences makes you wish you knew what happened next. And as always, thanks for reading.
Comments 58
“Love could complicate matters. Or lack of love.”
Mercy, Ann Gabhart, ain’t that the whole truth of the matter about romantic relationships especially? This makes me want to read and see which one will be the problem and how and if it’s solved.
I’ll have to remember that line and pull it out for a graphic if this book ever gets finished and publisheid. And I’m hoping it will, Sandi. Good to hear from you.
Lorena laid her head on Kate’s shoulder. “You smell like an angel.”
“Oh really? And what does an angel smell like?”
“You,” Lorena murmured. (Angel Sister)
To me this shows the innocence and sweetness of a child. I also loved that series, but I love all of your books.
Lorena was such a very sweet character, April, and she plays such a big part in all the books. I couldn’t have used the random line “My name is Lorena Birdsong.”
I always smile when someone says they like visiting my Rosey Corner people.
“Love could complicate matters. Or the lack of love”. This is the only book mentioned that I haven’t read yet! I still have a few of the Amish books to read; but, they were not mentioned. I am anxiously awaiting for this new book to become available to read! I love stories about the Appalachian mountains and the people who live in the mountains!
You’ll have a while to wait for this one, Linda. It is scheduled to come out next summer in July. But maybe you can give some of the Shaker books a try before then. I do appreciate you reading my books. Thank you so much for that.
I love all of these quotes, but this one is my favorite because of the concrete imagery that’s infused into an abstract concept…a window in her mind that she decided to fly through like a little bird…amazing writing!
“Their father told Elizabeth not to worry about Hannah. That she would surely outgrow her wildness. That lacking a mother had opened a window in her mind that not many flew through. He had sounded almost proud.” (The Believer)
I think you might be the first one to pick that one, Rebekah. I really liked my character Hannah. She was a spirited child who just didn’t fit in with the Shakers very well. I had one scene where Elizabeth, my main character and Hannah’s older sister had to go find her out in the woods and Hannah is up in a tree. Such a fun scene to write.
“In the mountains darkness could fall quickly like a woolen blanket dropped over the hills. Other times, night slipped in and settled down over the trees and houses like a mother gently tucking a cover around a sleeping child.” These Healing Hills
This is my favorite because it draws a beautiful mental picture of the mountains .
I’m glad you liked that one, Lisa. I do too. Sometimes the words do come to describe something in just the right way.
I really love that snippet from These Healing Hills (loved the book too) because of the descriptive writing. The one that makes me want to read more is from The Innocent. I wonder what is going on and what will happen next. I guess that’s another book to add to my “want to read” list!
I like having my books added to “want to read” lists, Pam. Hope you will like Carlyn when you get a chance to read her story. I’m glad you liked These Healing Hills. I sometimes think I’m not the best at descriptive writing but sometimes I manage a good line or two.
I like the fact this statement reflects a strong woman with a purpose & a need for no misunderstanding her.
“Ma’am, you need to put down the gun and keep a hold on your dog,” the sheriff said.
Carlyn found her voice. “The gun’s pointed at the floor and the dog won’t bother anybody who doesn’t bother me.” (The Innocent)
Thanks for telling me what you liked about my lines from The Innocent. Carlyn was also a bit desperate. 🙂 But she did have a good dog.
They are all so good and I don’t know that I have favorite quote. Murder by Mail is definitely a top one for me.
You must like mysteries, Tera, although I suppose that quote could refer to many kinds of life scenes. I’m glad you liked all my random lines.