I’m working hard to try to finish my new book. It’s been a struggle on some of the writing days. It’s not that I haven’t had time for writing what with the shelter in place advisories for the last two months. But some stories take a little more tugging and pulling to get them out of my imagination. So to save a little creative energy, I dipped back into my archives for a story for you all tonight. I know many of you are cat lovers or you like pets of some kind. My sweet dog, Marley, is snoozing behind my chair right now while Frankie is outside just in case the coyotes start making noise. If that happens, Frankie will do his job and warn the whole neighborhood. Thank goodness I don’t think any of the neighbors are close enough to be too bothered by his ferocious barking. At least so far nobody’s complained. And a dog has to protect his people.
All that to say I dug around in my blog archives way back to 2008 and found this story that I shared then in hopes of bringing some smiles. Right now, we can use some smiles. This story came with the bulletin covers I use for our church. They send along a leaflet full of inspirational bits and some stories to make you smile too. This story was too long to fit in thechurch bulletin, but I thought it was fun. So here it is with a few edits. You know writers. They have to edit everything.
An Answered Prayer
Br. Jim’s kitten climbed a tree in his backyard and wouldn’t come down. The tree wasn’t sturdy enough for Br. Jim to climb it to rescue the kitten or even to prop a ladder against it to climb up. He didn’t want to bother the fire department. He wasn’t even sure they really came out to rescue kittens anymore. Besides, he prided himself on figuring things out on his own. The first thing he figured out was that kitten wasn’t coming down on her own. So he pitched a rope up into the tree and looped it around some of the branches. Then he hooked the other end of the rope to his car bumper. He figured he could carefully bend the little tree over until he could reach up and rescue the kitten.
Things started out fairly well. He eased the car forward. The tree bent over. But the kitten, clinging tighter than ever to the branch he was wrapped around, still was a bit too high. So Br. Jim pulled the car up a bit farther. Then disaster struck! The rope broke. The tree went “boing!” and the poor little kitten went sailing through the air out of sight.
Needless to say, Br. Jim felt awful. He searched all through the neighborhood, but nobody had seen a stray kitten. Finally he said a prayer, “Lord, I just commit the kitten to your keeping,” and gave up to go on about his business.
A few days later he was in the grocery store and met one of his church members. He was amazed to see cat food in her shopping cart. This woman had always been very vocal in her dislike of cats. So he asked her why in the world she was buying cat food since she hated cats so much.
“Br. Jim, you see it’s like this,” she explained. “My little girl has been begging and begging me for a cat and I kept saying no. Finally I told her if the Lord gives you a cat, I’ll let you keep it.” The woman’s face changed, got a look of awe, as she went on. “Well, my little girl went out in the yard, got down on her knees and started praying for the Lord to send her a kitten.” The woman slowly shook her head. “Preacher, you are never going to believe this, but I saw it with my own eyes. A kitten came flying out of the blue sky, with its paws outspread, and landed right in front of my little girl.”
Never under estimate the Power of God and His unique sense of humor. Proverbs says a merry heart worketh good like a medicine. I hope the story made you smile, but we can be pretty sure that poor little kitten used up one of its ten lives on that flight through the air.
Do you enjoy hearing stories that make you smile?
Comments 15
Wow, what a story of the cat flying through the air and landing exactly where the little girl was praying for a kitten. Talk about God providing!
It was a fun story, Linda. Thanks for stopping by to read it.
Great story! Made me laugh. Imagine if someone saw the kitten flying through the air–would think they were seeing things. lol
We might be wondering if it was raining cats and dogs, Joan. But poor kitty. Good thing cats always land on their feet, or so they say.
Yes, I love to read stories like this! This sounds like it could be a “Guideposts” magazine story! I love their stories and magazine!
Can you just imagine that little kitty flying through the air and landing in front of you? If her mother had not seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed her daughter!
Well, I can’t guarantee it actually happened, but it does make a good story, Linda Dianne. But in our imagination the little girl had her prayers answered and all is good. I hope things are going okay for you.
What a sweet story, the little girl got her wish granted in an unusual way. Enjoyed the story.
The Lord does sometimes answer our prayers in unexpected ways, Donna Jean.
Thank you for the joy of miracles and giggles!
That’s what I should have titled the post, Karen. The joy of miracles and giggles.
I love stories that make me smile. The daily life of my family always has something to bring smiles. That is why our family motto is “It’s Always A Story With the Hendersons.” Haha!
That family motto fits well with you, Melissa, as you write down your stories. Some of the best times in families is when people get together to reminisce about some of those things that have happened in the past that are now worth plenty of smiles. Maybe not when they happened, but on the retelling, everything gets funnier.
Thanks for sharing such an encouraging story,Ann!
Psalm 60
Thanks for the Scripture reference, Emily. You always pick a timely passage.
“Give us help from trouble, for the help of man is useless.” Psalm 60:11
We seek that divine help now for our troubled world.
Hi again, Emily. Here’s the link to my library interview that you thought you might like to see. The timing of my voice and lips is off on my computer, but you can still hear what I say. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSGsqxu42BM&fbclid=IwAR1Bc-c6wqE6LslyCrfMl9_5KyRITHF10lsVZblZ5X-d0slqjli1ieF2B0M