The imagination is an essential tool of the mind, a fundamental way of thinking, an indispensable means of becoming and remaining human. ~Ursula K. Le Guin
Thanks to all of you who suggested such great captions for Wednesday’s picture. You came up with some good ones. Of course. some suggested captions about losing one’s marbles and others about finding those marbles. Several of you suggested that somebody might have trouble getting up off the floor once all those marbles were sorted out. A few of you said she might lose count. Lauren suggested counting marbles instead of sheep to help you fall off to sleep.
Janie noticed the arrowheads that are on the floor by her hand. Nobody else mentioned them and I didn’t remember they were there until she mentioned them. Jolene suggested my sister might be a little OCD and Nancy had the same thought with organizing them by color. Loved Connie’s sensible caption that explained why my sister is on the floor since if she was trying to count them on a table those marble would roll right off. Gail had a mom’s view by saying the kids’ marbles would get confiscated if they were left on the floor. I liked Emily’s caption. She’s obviously been at parties or gatherings where if you guessed the number of something in a jar you won something. Betty and Dana are ready for some marble games with Dana a dangerous opponent since she played marbles with the boys when she was in school. Paula said she fixed a yarn circle on the floor and her dad played marbles with the grandkids. Fun idea.
But the caption that was nearest to the actual happening was Sandi’s who said her brother would divide up the marbles with one for her and two for him. Well, my sister didn’t do that. But she was dividing up the marbles. After Mom died a few years ago, we had to clean out her house and go through so many keepsakes and memories. These marbles were keepsakes as some of them were stone marbles that our grandfather had once played marbles with and others were our dad’s.
So what my sister is doing, down on the floor in front of the shelves where the marbles had been stored in glass jars for years, was counting out one for her, one for me and one for my sister. We all ended up with our own jar of marble memories.
Not that we actually remembered our grandfather or dad playing with the marbles, but we could imagine them as boys, shooting those marbles in a dirt ring in some schoolyard long before we were even a glimmer of a someday idea. The stone marbles are misshapen and chipped from the play which makes them even better.
Whether my kids will ever want to divide them up and keep them, I can’t say. But my sisters and I kept a lot of keepsakes that we couldn’t bear to throw away. For example, I have a little pocket notebook that my dad sketched pictures in when he was eight or nine and the slate he carried to school. One of my sisters has a notebook that my aunt used to keep a list of every book she read. Then there’s the postcard my grandfather on my mom’s side sent home from France in WW I. How could we throw any of that away? Well, maybe somebody could, but we couldn’t. We couldn’t even throw away marbles. 🙂
Now, here’s a new picture for your best captions. Youngsters can find a lot of entertainment in a box of old jewelry. If you leave a comment with your idea of a caption on this post, you’ll get another entry into the drawing to win your choice of one of my books. I’ll pick four winners. Deadline to enter is Monday, September 28, 2020 at midnight EST. So two more pictures for captions with new chances to throw your name in my drawing hat coming up Wednesday and next Sunday. You must be at least eighteen to enter, but you can get help from your kids coming up with the caption if you want. I’ll draw the winners by random number and notify them by email. Hope you have fun thinking up a caption for the above picture.
So exercise your imagination and come up with your best caption. I can’t wait to read them.
Comments 32
Whew! Glad Grandma didn’t notice that I was playing in her jewelry box.
Yours made me smile. Most of my jewelry is play time jewelry. I’m not much of a fashion queen, but the girls did have fun with some of that jewelry.
Oh Dahling …please step aside….I am on my way to the Glamour Girl Boutique ! I must shop for a few more accessories to complete my Fashionista Look !!! It’s hard to be me !
Love the dahling, Nancy. This girl would be ready to go shopping for sure and loves accessories. Got to look good.
What us women must do to make ourselves beautiful!
We do seem to want to look pretty and a few necklaces maybe did the trick for this play actor, Susan.
Does this Lovely eyeshadow, match my outfit and purse?!
Indeed, everything should match, Jolynn. Especially the eye shadow. Maybe she can teach her grandma about eye shadow. lol
Judy, I like the idea of getting into character. Maybe I should take a moment like that before I begin writing a new scene. 🙂
Ola, she did like having her choice of all the necklaces available.
Suzanne, it is so hard to remember what to do once we get all dressed up.
Karen, you are on a roll. She does look like something has given her a headache, but I doubt if grammy has lectured here. Spoiled her maybe. 🙂 And getting all dressed up is work for both the diva and the grandma supplying the dress up material. But fun work.
Jolene, I like your open ended comment. She can be so many things.
Connie, love your plans for this girl. A tea party and a sail on the yacht. Sounds fun.
Love your captions. I just knew that picture would invite some imaginative ideas.
Nancy, she did love to add on the jewelry so I’m sure she’d have been happy with a triple strand of pearls. Who wouldn’t, right?
Melanie, we can all dream about that bigger purse. At least one with a little more green stuff in it. 🙂
Marji, love it. She does look totally exhausted by all that shopping.
Sharon, this one made me laugh. I’m guessing she has tried to explain things more than once to her grammy.
Lee, dahling is perfect.
Emily, she does look like she could be a gypsy princess.
Oh, let me think, what shall I do today? I think I will have a little tea party with my friends and then go for a sail on my yacht.
Thought of another: 😊
“Oh my, getting dressed up is a LOT of work!!!”
Today I think I’ll be a…
“Oh puleeze, not ANOTHER lecture!”
“Not NOW, I have a headache!”
What a delightful thing to do! Dividing up the marbles instead of having hurt feelings when only one sister walked away with them.i always had fun with marbles! 😊
Just give me a minute to remember where I was going all dressed up.
Caption: “When you can’t decide which necklace goes best with your outfit”
I love the true story behind the last photo. I wouldn’t have wanted to get rid of those marbles either. The items most worth keeping in life are the ones that make us think of special times and memories of those we love, which makes them priceless and worth the space to store them.
Fun caption, Hope. And you are so right about those priceless memories. And I think we might be able to pass some of them down to our kids. Maybe. But could be we should share more about those memories while we can. We often wished we could ask Mom about something we unearthed in her memory places.
“Now, where did I leave my crown?”
Playing dress up is so much fun! A few years ago when I was babysitting 2 little girls and my granddaughters, we had a sleepover tea party/fashion show. It was sooo much fun and they still talk about it. 😊
That does sound fun, Lavon. Everybody needs a tiara sometime in their life, right? And a tea party.
Yes ma’am, these are all mine!
“Oh you must let me think and get into character….”
“I am the beautiful Gypsy princess, Esmeralda!”😊 💜Jeremiah 14:22💜
Dahling.. isn’t it just divine?
Okay, let me try to explain it to you again!
Shopping for jewelry can be so exhausting.
I dream of a bigger purse and more strands of beads around my neck.
Now where did I leave that triple strand of pearls? I need them to complete my outfit.