Tearing into a New Box of Books

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 66 Comments

A book is a dream that you hold in your hand. – Neil Gaiman

While this quote is really speaking of readers when they pick a book to read, I can make it mine in a different way. Each time I have the blessing of holding one of my stories wrapped up in a beautiful cover with my words spread on every page inside that cover, I feel a dream has come true for me. I started dreaming of writing books many years ago when I was only a kid. Sometimes I’m amazed at how I have been able to live that dream.

Along a Storied Trail isn’t my first published book. If my count is right, it’s my thirty-fifth. You wouldn’t think I’d have to count that up, but I always do. So, thirty-five times a box of books has landed on my doorstep. Thirty-five times I’ve had the excitement of tearing into that box to pull out my story turned into a book that readers like you can pick up and read.

That’s my hope anyway – that this book will go out into the world and find readers. I like thinking about books as a kind of partnership between a writer and a reader. My stories come to life for me while I’m writing them, but those stories take on a fuller life when readers read my words and the story comes to life again in their imaginations.

Because I often think of the people in my stories letting me chase along with them down their story trails, the title of this new book, Along a Storied Trail(releasing June 1) is one I love. This is a story about books, about storytelling, about riding trails up into the hills to share those books and stories.

“If a nation loses its storytellers, it loses its childhood.” —Peter Handke

This is a story of women on horseback taking books to people who became so excited about the prospect of having a book or magazine to read that they would celebrate the sight of the “book woman” riding up the trail toward their cabins or schools. They would beg for a book, any book, because they had a hunger for stories or books about the world beyond their mountain homes. But they also loved the scrapbooks the packhorse librarians made with their own recipes, quilt patterns or  stories they were ready to share with one another.

Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. – Author Unknown

Books matter. Stories matter. At least they always have to me. And as this graphic shows, I let Tansy, my packhorse librarian feel the same.

I’m so excited about my book releasing in a couple of weeks. To celebrate actually having the book in my hand, I’m going to give you a chance to hold the book in your hand. I’ll pick one winner of this book or if you’d rather, you can pick one of my other books. All you have to do is leave a comment and be at least 18 years old to enter. Deadline to enter will be May 22, 2021 at midnight EST.

Do you think books and stories matter?

Tell me the facts and I’ll learn. Tell me the truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever. – Native American Proverb



Comments 66

  1. Thank you for your kind words I like buying them so I can encourage my girls to read as well as much do not read. Our library near here are closed as far as I know. I will have to check again. I live in Vancouver, WA. I try to set examples by reading so they would read as well. I have shelves of books as I have collections from when I was growing up and working. They follow me around. Again thanks for your kind words. Keep up the good work. God bless you all.

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  2. Congratulations on publishing your 35th book! Looking forward to reading your new book. Always enjoy your storytelling.

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  3. I devote as much time to reading BOOKS as possible! Not listening to audio books or scrolling thru an e-book, no offense intended. I need the physicality of a book, relishing the smell and feel of it’s pages, the typeset, the cover art. I love the look of “Along a Storied Trail” and know from past experience that while reading it, I’ll pause at certain points, close the book and just gaze at the cover, letting it draw me into the story in a deeper way. So, yes indeed, books and reading matter to me …

    1. Post

      That’s interesting, Toni, that you take time to enjoy the cover while still reading the story. Not sure I’ve ever done that, but I can see why it might deepen the story. I like holding a book and enjoying turning the pages on actual paper books too although I do read on my Kindle app and on Nook occasionally. Swishing a book page electronically is definitely not the same.

      I’m so glad you are a reader who knows the value of books.

  4. Of course books and stories matter! How else would we know our history, teach and/or entertain our children and ourselves? And learn about things we don’t know. I can’t wait to read this book!

    1. Post

      You have some good reasons to be glad we have books, Kathy. Stories are a great way to share our history and such a joy to read.

      I’m so glad you’re ready to give my book a read. Let me know what you think of it after you have a chance to ride the story trail with Tansy and friends.

  5. Looking forward to Ann’s new book! I have been on a Kindle reading streak but am now ready to hold Ann’s book in my hands to read. Can’t wait!

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      I’m so glad you’re looking forward to reading my new mountain story, Laura. I so appreciate you reading my books. And sometimes it’s good to hold a book in our hands.

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      That’s true for me too, Una. Well, sometimes if I’m reading a very intense book I not feeling too relaxed, but I love reading a good story. I’m glad you do too.

  6. Another June, another book from you. THANK YOU for allowing me to become a part of your “world” of books. Can not wait to turn the cover and begin another visit to the mountains. God bless.

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      Another June, another book. I like how that sounds, Dusti. I do seem to have book releases in the summer. And I’ve very happy you chose to be part of my “book world.” I’ve enjoyed writing stories set in the mountains.

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      Nor can I, Joan. That’s one reason this book was so good to research about the packhorse libraries. Those people up in the mountains during that time were living without access to books. I’m so thankful for our libraries and now the many ways we can access books through the internet. Books and stories make life fuller.

  7. Books and stories definitely matter! I have always loved books and stories and I am presently employed as a library page. In books and stories, we experience adventures and discoveries! In these books and stories, we see how others have been through the things we have been through. We rejoice with them, weep with them, hope with them, celebrate with them! We travel to places and times where we have never been and experience the wonder of it all. In books and stories, we can wonder, explore, and discover! Our next book or story is our next adventure!

    1. Post

      What good thought about why books and stories matter, Lauren. Thank you so much for sharing them. We do go through myriad emotions while reading whether fictional stories or real life adventures. We can wonder, explore and discover in a completely different way than if we’re watching a show. Our show when we’re reading is one we’re playing through our own imagination.

      I love libraries. Without my library that I visited so often as a child and adult, I would never have been the writer I am now.

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  8. Yes books and stories matter! It doesn’t matter if they are ebooks or paper books, I love them all. The cover is perfect and this story sounds wonderful. Living in SE Ohio we are part of the Appalachian area, and your stories give me a glimpse of a time I didn’t know, but can see how family could have lived.😊

    1. Post

      I’m glad you’ve enjoying my Appalachian stories, Jessica. I’ve enjoyed researching and writing about the area and the Depression era. That was such a hard time, but sometimes it’s those hard times that show our character. That can be true for my story people too. Thank you so much for reading my books and I’m glad you think the cover is good. I hope you’ll think the story is too when you get a chance to read it.

  9. One thing I learned in 2020 is how much books mean to me. Although I’ve always loved to read, last year books kept me sane. I couldn’t go anywhere, but I could travel the world and through time and space thanks to writers like you.

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      I think there were plenty of others who felt the way you did about books during the pandemic, Tammy. Being stuck at home was hard for many. Not as hard for me since I work here anyway. But whatever the situation, traveling through the magic of books is always fun.

      1. Hi, I’m always trying to save up some money to buy your books as I am raising 18 year old kids along with my 18 year old ADHD daughter who is still in school. Along with my hubby, he has ADD and has had a bad head injury and we are struggling to get help for him. While this is going on. My daughter brings home kids who gets kicked out of their home on their 18th birthday and still in school…of course me being a former residential staff at a deaf school for 30 plus years, I could not say no to them so they would sleep in my daughter’s room. Lucky all girls. First time this year we have a 16 year old who got pregnant before moving here. Yes you got that right my girl told her, my momma will help you. I often wondered how I was able to support all of these kids in the last 3 years of living here. Yes my living solely on disability. I’ve had 30 kids go thru this house, now we have 1 boy, he sleeps on the couch. We have 2 br condo. Not easy but I know God has a lot to do with it and he always had me with extra money so I could get your book. Thankfully. You write so wonderfully. Keep up the good work. God bless you all.

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          Darlene, you obviously have a Christian’s servant heart and what an example of love you are setting for you daughter. It is so good of you to help these young people in need of someone to make sure they make it through school. I pray the Lord will bless you and all those you shelter. I so appreciate you making an effort to get my books to read. If you have a library in your area, perhaps you could get book from there to read. Do you live somewhere in the United States?

          I appreciate your kind words about my writing. May the Lord bless you mightily.

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