Count Your Blessings

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 32 Comments

“The love of a family is life’s greatest blessing.” – Eve Burrows

I asked you in last Sunday’s post to share something for which you were thankful as a way to enter a drawing to win a choice of one my autographed books. I wasn’t surprised that nearly all of you mentioned family as a number one blessing. I have to agree with you on that. I am blessed with three beautiful children who have grown up and now have beautiful families of their own. This picture is from a few years ago when my husband and I celebrated our 50th anniversary. Darrell and I married very young. Too young really, but we made it through some lean years when money was short but the important things in life were ever plentiful. We had our love, our families, our church and the country life we both wanted. I’m sure many of you have celebrated the same joys in your life.

But while the love of God, family, church, friends, health, work and pets numbered in the responses to my last post, we can also count those everyday blessings of life such as children’s laughter that Hope mentioned. Sharing smiles with people we meet. The beauty of God’s world. Things like frost decorating grass blades or ice encrusted seed pods.  Sunrises and sunsets. The moon eclipse that Janice mentioned seeing. A rain shower when needed. The beauty of snow drifting down to turn the world white. Flowers in the spring. The sweet scent of lilacs and the spicy odor of peonies.

I had an eye appointment this week and I told one of the technicians there how thankful I was for glasses so that I can still see clearly. And the same as Connie, I’m very thankful for good stories to read and even more thankful the Lord has given me stories to share with you readers. I’m also thankful for each of you who might tell a friend about one of my stories or write a review or ask for my book at your library or bookstore.

I have so many reasons to give thanks that as one of you said, i would never get through the counting of them. We had a Thanksgiving dinner at our little church last Sunday and wrapped up the evening by sharing some of our reasons for thanksgiving. Family. Church family. Our beautiful fellowship hall where we can have fellowship meetings. Our former pastor who went on up to celebrate in heaven this year. Our current pastor sent to us by the Lord. The bountiful food on our tables. We could have gone on and on.

We stayed with the big reasons for thanksgiving but we also have so many little moments of joy. Here are a few of mine. The sound of geese flying overhead. A mockingbird going through its repertoire. Electricity. Computers that make typing so much easier on the fingers.  My dog buddies walking with me and then sleeping behind my desk chair while I write. A hot cup of tea. A  chocolate bar. Sweet memories of growing up on a farm. Again, I could go on and on.

But now it’s your turn again. Leave a comment with a reason you are thankful right now this moment as Kristina did on Monday after her husband had come out not badly hurt after an auto accident that very morning or as Una did on the 17th anniversary of her cardiac arrest and the blessing of recovery and more years of life to enjoy. And as Natalya did for the blessing of rain.

To enter the giveaway drawing, you need to be at least 18 years old. I’ll pick a winner by random number next Sunday. If you commented on the last post and would like to comment again on this post, you will get another entry. I love hearing from you all. Winner will get his or her choice of an autographed copy of one of my books. Oh, and did I mention how very thankful I am to Revell Books that has given me the opportunity to fill this shelf with my books?

So count your blessings. And if you know the old hymn about doing just that, you can sing it along with Guy Penrod here. I’ll be choosing it for us to sing come Sunday. “Count Your Blessings” was written in 1897 by Johnson Oatman, Jr., who wrote over five thousand Gospel songs and hymns. We still sing some of them at our church including “Higher Ground.” That was one of my mother’s favorite hymns she would sometimes sing while she was cooking in the kitchen. Another blessed memory.

What blessing can you count today?

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. – James 1:12

Comments 32

  1. I am thankful for so many things but small towns and a sister who is also a good friend tops my list this week. My sister and I recently had breakfast at a small town diner for her birthday. Afterwards we walked around town, and I was able to show her the addition to our library and introduce her to our librarian.( Another thing I am very thankful for-libraries where I can find my favorite authors!) We ended up talking half the day away as often is the case with sisters and friends! A true blessing !

    1. Post

      That does sound like a special day, Robin. I love spending time with my sisters too and we can always find plenty to talk about. I too am very thankful for libraries and always happy when I hear that some of my books find their way to those shelves in those libraries. Sometimes, it’s good just to pause and think what we are thankful right now this minute or this day. Thanks for sharing your thankful thoughts.

  2. One thing I’m thankful for this year is all the things people do so that other people have something to enjoy. When I think about things that have made me smile or laugh this year, a lot of them were thanks to just that. Whether its movies, TV shows, books, songs, or stuff like crafts, or (my mom’s) wonderful cooking, they all brighten my (and others) life/lives on stressful or sad days.

    Hope you are having a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend!

    1. Post

      What a lovely way to be thankful, Madie. Not only for smiles and laughter but for those that bring those smiles and happiness. I’m guessing your mom loves making you happy with her wonderful cooking. Thanks for sharing about your blessings.

  3. Thankful ~ and BLESSED.
    Thankful for a Dad and Mother who taught me about God, and Jesus.
    Thankful for a Heavenly Father who provides for us daily and is available 24/7.
    Thankful for THE RAINBOW, and the promise that the earth will never completely flood ever again. No matter who uses the rainbow motto, for any other reason, I am thankful that I know the original promise with that first rainbow that God created!
    Thankful for our family and that they know the Lord of Lords!

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  4. I’m ever so thankful for my family who was there for me during my husband’s illness and passing; for our daughter being able to make it home from England on October 11 before her dad passed on the 13th and for her lengthy family leave that was granted her under the circumstances; for our sons who took turns spending the night before the caregivers started; for my sister who did so much so I could be there with him and the caregivers that were there for both of us. Thank you to all of them!!!

    1. Post

      You are practicing what the Bible says, Karen, being thankful in all circumstances. I’m so sorry for your loss, but glad you had blessings to count during that hard time. It was a blessing for your daughter to see her dad before he passed away. That surely meant a great deal to her. May your sweet memories of times with your husband be a comfort to you as you go through the holidays and on through the months ahead.

  5. I’m thankful for the wind that is blowing right now. Even though it’s a cold wind, I’m sitting in a warm house, which I am also thankful. The wind makes my wind chimes sing, which I love to hear. It makes the fluffy clouds move around in the sky. It scatters seed to make wild flowers (and weeds) come up in the most unexpected places. The wind feels good on a hot summer day as the breeze gives you a breath of fresh air. It makes waves in the little farm pond that is fun to watch. It makes a young girls long hair fly out behind her in a charming way. Wind is mysterious, you can feel it but not see it, only it’s effect on things.

    1. Post

      Your comment is very poetic, Connie. I do enjoy the wind too. Well, most of the time. At least all the times you mention. I remember being a young girl and enjoying being on top of hills and feeling the wind blowing my hair back although I never had really long hair. Now, it’s fun to walk along under the trees and have the wind shake leaves down around you. Thanks for your beautiful words.

    1. Post

      Thank you, Janice. We did have a very nice Thanksgiving with my son and his family. My daughter-in-law cooked all kinds of delicious foods and desserts. So fun to see the grandkids. I think the boys who are 13 grew a foot in between times I saw them. 🙂

  6. I am very thankful that I had a Mama who sacrificed to make sure I had books when I was a child. I know she went without personal needs to let me buy books at school sales etc. The ability to read has been one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever been given. It has helped me through many things. This is my family’s first Thanksgiving without her. At 89 she left to be with Jesus on September 27th. I am learning how to be here without her and have more thanks to give because I will see her again when we are at Home together.

    1. Post

      A love of books and reading is a special gift for a mother to give to her child, Susan. So sorry about the loss of your mother. It is hard to have those first holidays without a loved one and we always miss our mamas. It is good to know that someday we will have great reunions. I hope your many memories of times with your mother will be a comfort in the weeks ahead.

  7. What a beautiful family picture and what beautiful writing!! I am thankful for you, Ann, and your gift of writing! I am presently reading “Along A Storied Trail” and loving it! I would like to add that I am thankful for laughter, taking walks with my husband and my dog, talking and laughing with my mom on the phone, (she lives in Texas and I live in Arizona), drinking coffee while I read or talk, hearing the sound of rain. (We don’t get much rain here in Arizona.) Thank you, again, Ann, for sharing your beautiful gift of writing! Happy Thanksgiving and abundant blessings always to you and your family!!

    1. Post

      I’m so glad you are enjoying my book woman story, Along a Storied Trail. I appreciate you saying your thankful for my writing. It’s such a gift to have readers like you reading my words. I love the other things you mention. Laughter, walks, talks with your mom, rain on the roof or dripping down through trees. So good.

  8. I’m so thankful for so many things…too many to mention. But, most of all, I’m thankful for Jesus, who died for me. I’m thankful that he gave me to a Daddy and Mother who raised me to know and love Him, and that, one day I’ll be reunited with them on Heaven.

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  9. I’m thankful for Jesus,my wonderful family and friends,and my amazing Dream Team! Happy Thanksgiving,Ann! 💜Psalm 99💜

    1. Post

      What wonderful things to count as blessings, Emily. Love how you always put a Scripture reference. This one ends with this verse in the New King James Version. “Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at His holy hill; for the Lord our God is holy.” Psalm 99:9

  10. I’m thankful that my sister-in-law, brother-in-law and niece had safe travels from Georgia to Kentucky today.

    BTW I saw frost flowers on the way to work yesterday and they made me think of you.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Post

      Well, that’s sweet, April, that frost flowers reminded you of me. I do love seeing those and would take more pictures but where they “bloom” along our fencerow, I usually have Frankie on leash to keep him from running to the neighbors’ house and maybe attacking their pet rabbits. Frankie isn’t one to sit still while I take pictures the way my old dog, Oscar, used to do. I’d get out my phone and Oscar would just sit until I started moving again.

      Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your family.

  11. I am thankful for a young man at Walmart today that was ahead of us in line.He payed for his merchandise and all the while he was talking very respectfully to the cashier.Afterwards he turned to us and said he felt from God that he was to pay for our stuff.My husband told him it was unnecessary, as did I but he said ” please let me, if you don’t do what God has for you to do then you don’t get the blessing” We allowed him to pay and we,him and the cashier all had a moment of thankfulness and blessings in line at Walmart today.

    1. Post

      What a surprise and a blessing, Lisa. And the young man was right. It’s not good to steal another’s blessing of giving by refusing. You will find a way to pass it on to someone else. What a good time to have in a checkout line at Walmart.

  12. I’m thankful my daughter, husband, and two grandchildren just arrived from WI. I’m also thankful my sister traveled safely to her home today from NM. I’m also thankful for you and other Christian authors.

    1. Post

      Thank you so much, Lucy, for your thankfulness for Christian authors and their stories. I appreciate you reading my stories. And I do hope you’re having a great visit with your family this weekend.

  13. As my daughter, her boyfriend, and a friend of theirs celebrated Thanksgiving with us this evening (a day early), I was thanking God that our grown, adopted daughter has come to appreciate our having adopted her even though she was quite rebellious for a number of years.

    1. Post

      Sometimes a parent has to exercise so much patience and caring even when it seems a child is ready to reject all you give, Suzanne. That your daughter is coming back to the love you have shown her is a blessing.

  14. I am very thankful for God’s timing of unexpected open heart surgery. It was a busy summer with lots of traveling including a trip to Fairbanks AK to help a friend. But it wasn’t until all my traveling was finished that it was discovered that I had some major blockages in my heart & needed double by-pass surgery. I am so very grateful to God for how He had His hand on me & orchestrated my need for surgery! I am also very very grateful for all those who prayed for me! God heard those prayers & I am successfully moving through the recovery process! To God be the glory for all that He has done!

    1. Post

      So good that you discovered the need for surgery at a time when you were home and had the support around you, Betsy. I hope and pray your continued recovery will go well and that you will have a fresh start with the new year coming.

  15. I am thankful for all the comforts we have in America. Indoor plumbing, electricity, heat and ac, enough food to eat and clothes to wear. I am mindful of those who don’t have these things or lose them due to persecution because of their faith. I will be keeping them in prayer along with the many people sick right now.

    1. Post

      You are so right, Judy. Most of us in America are so blessed with all those comforts you name and often we aren’t mindful of others with more needs. Prayer is a wonderful gift for others.

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