The Luck of the Draw

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 13 Comments

“Luck is believing you’re lucky.” ~Tennessee Williams

Luck of the draw describes something that is out of your control and where you have no choice in what is happening or has happened. The family you are born into might be called a luck of the draw. According to what I saw online, the “luck of the draw” is a relatively new expression. says the phrase  “the luck of the draw” didn’t have common use until in the 1940s. I would have thought it went back much farther than that since people have been playing games forever where drawing the right card can help you win or not drawing the right card can mean you lose.

I sent out a newsletter last week, and in it, I have a giveaway chance. Here’s the link if you didn’t get it and would like to read it. I have frequent book giveaways here on my blog. I always pick the winner by random and so whoever wins, wins by the “luck of the draw.” I don’t actually throw the names in a hat but my method of numbering the entries and then letting a random number generator online pick a number is the same process.

Many who have entered my giveaway now and in the past don’t feel lucky. They say they hope to win but are sure they won’t. I know what they mean. I’ve always said if there were only two names in a drawing for a prize, the other person’s odds just went up to close to a hundred percent.

“Luck always seems like it belongs to someone else.” ~David Levien

Today when I was answering some of the email entries, one person said she was entering “again’ but she figured she wouldn’t win just the same as she hadn’t won before. So, I shared this story with her about one of the times when I did actually win something.

I took my grandkids to a downtown festival a few years ago. At one of the booths, they were selling chances on all kinds of baskets of candy to raise money for a charity. I gave both girls some money to buy several tickets. They studied the baskets and put their tickets in the ones they hoped to win. They were almost tasting that candy already. While I was waiting for them to make their choices, this cute little boy came up and asked if I wanted to buy a chance to win some exercise classes at a place here in town. I didn’t want to win any exercise classes, but the kid was cute and after all, I never win. So, I gave him a dollar for a ticket. His smile was prize enough. 

You can imagine my surprise a few days later when I get a call about winning a prize at the festival. No, not the baskets of candy the girls had so imagined winning. I won the exercise class coupons! I don’t remember the names of the exercises that were taught in the classes, but maybe something like tai chi. I should have told them to draw a different winner, but I didn’t. The caller assured me that I’d like the basket of goodies that went with the coupons and I did get a fine ice pack for the strained muscles I might have gotten if I’d taken the exercise classes. Sometimes that’s the way luck goes. 

After I shared that with my reader, Jan, she wrote back to say that my account of winning something I really didn’t care if I won made her remember winning something once.

Here’s what she said. “I was playing bingo at our very small town fair one summer. Finally on the last game I got to holler BINGO! The lady told me to wait a moment, someone had gone to get my prize. This kid came back with a big, white duck!!  Yes, I accepted the win, borrowed a cage to get her home, and Polly lived a long, happy life with us. (The boy had raised her for a 4H project.)”

Well, at least I didn’t have to feed a duck or find it a pond with my exercise class win. Sounds as if Polly found a good place with Jan’s family though.

“I sometimes think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm.” ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

I enjoyed finding the quotes about luck, but this one from Judith Guest is the one I like best.

“I think living the blessed life is the luck of the draw.” Judith Guest

When our blessings are too many to count easily then we’ve gotten the luck of the draw for sure. I feel lucky or a better word might be blessed when I can snap a picture of a butterfly like the one up top as I’m walking my dogs.

“Stand in awe of Him, and be grateful for each and everything that God has blessed you with.” ~Robert Woeger.

I hope the Lord has rained down blessings on you so that you feel fortunate. But also, somebody will win those prizes I’ve offered in my newsletter.

Have you ever won something that made you feel lucky? 

Comments 13

  1. I’ve won a few books from different authors in the past. I won a nice pair of earrings, years ago, that I still have.
    I prefer the Audio books better now, because I feel like I can’t take the time to sit and read. I already take time out of my schedule to take a nap.
    I do read most of your newsletters and enjoy sharing the jokes and funny things with my husband.
    I really like the photos you take. The only butterflies I’ve seen, are the small white ones. It’s been like that the last couple of years. So I really enjoy seeing the picture of your Butterfly.

    1. Post

      I didn’t notice when I posted that picture that this butterfly had obviously had some rough winds. I do like to take butterfly pictures, Jolynn. Maybe I can do a post of nothing but butterfly pictures even though sometime in the past, I’ve probably already done a post like that. Still a repeat might be fun.

      I’ve started enjoying audio books more too. Did you get my free audio book downloads? I can’t remember all the names of those I’ve sent them too. I have some free codes for Murder Comes by Mail if you want one.

      Oh, I just looked at my e-mails and see you’ve entered my giveaway. Great. And thanks for taking time to read my newsletters.

  2. I enjoy winning books, which I have a few times from you and a little statue of an angel.
    I entered a contest at the local TV station once and won a visit from the weather man to come to my house and film an outside BBQ supper from a local restaurant with 20 friends invited to help us eat it. I also won 2 outdoor rocking chairs. The only thing bad about that was it was 94 degrees with a heat index of 114, but we enjoyed it anyway, it was fun!

    1. Post

      What a fun and different prize to win, Connie. Could have come on a cooler day but it’s not every day you can invite your friends and family over for someone else to do the cookings. And with the chance to be on television. Of course, that could have had some people hiding to keep from being on camera. 🙂

      1. Ha, ha, they were people hiding over behind some bushes peaking out, but when it came time to eat they got in line!

  3. Beautiful photo!
    I’ve won books a few times, once from you and a couple from other contests. I love winning books! And I once won a $100 shopping spree years ago at a local general store. With four kids still at home, that prize came in handy! Back then that was a lot of groceries.
    Have a great weekend coming up. Hasn’t this weather been perfect lately? 🙂

    1. Post

      Blog posts are the best place to enter to win books since the competition is generally a little less keen than the bigger giveaways. I like giving away books and so I’ll probably figure out a new giveaway for you all here on my blog soon. A summer giveaway sounds fun.

      I won a $100 Savings Bond once. So, I guess I can’t say I never win. Exercise classes and an ice pack and a savings bond. I need to cash that in.

  4. I win books along and about a month ago I signed up to win one of the new Kindle Paperwhite’s. I actually forgot about it because I’ve signed up to win so many Kindle. A few days later I got an email with You Won! In the subject. I opened the email, and still didn’t think it was real. But it was. A few days later it came in the mail. So I’m very happy. I usually don’t win big things but a $139.00 prize is pretty good!

    1. Post

      Well, way to go, Joy. That’s great that you won one of the new Kindles. They are so light and make it easy to carry who knows how many books with you wherever you go. Hope you enjoy reading with it.

  5. It’s not about the luck of the draw, but the good fortune to capture the Swallowtail on your butterfly bush. I always have my point and shoot at the ready to capture a butterfly, a wren, a goldfinch or whatever happens by. I have a yard full of flowers and we even have milkweed for the Monarchs and I used to always delight in capturing God’s beauty like this. For some reason, the past few years the butterflies rarely make an appearance here, although I keep waiting. In the meantime, I will enjoy photos like this– or mine from years past.

    1. Post

      I’ve heard others lament the declining population of butterflies. I haven’t seen as many this year as usual, but sometimes I see more later in the summer. I have a butterfly bush that drew them in last summer once it bloomed. I didn’t notice until I posted this picture that this guy looks like it’s been through some rough times that have made it lose its swallowtail. I love taking pictures of all sorts of things, but butterflies make a good subject for sure.

  6. I have won a few books in authors contests and at bingo a couple of times, never a large amount, but it is still fun.

    Have to add that I really like your newsletters. Thank you.

    1. Post

      I’m so glad you enjoy getting my newsletters, Ann. I always hope to make them something readers are glad to see land in their email boxes. There are always chances to win books on various blog posts, including this one some of the time. I’ll have to have another giveaway here soon.

      My mom enjoyed playing bingo. Whenever I’ve played I’m always one short when somebody yells Bingo. 🙂

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