Down to the Last Mystery Photo This Go Around

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 39 Comments

Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand. ~Neil Armstrong

Back when I started these Mystery Photo Games several years ago, I had no idea that I would continue them on. But I’ve had fun straining my brain to come up with the mystery photos and many of you have said how much you’ve enjoyed the game. Plus, several of you have won your choice of one of my books as a prize for playing the game. You’ve never had to get the answers right to have an entry, but I was wondering the other day if I should have a special prize for anybody who gets them all right.

I wouldn’t have had to worry about giving away that prize this time because I was extra tricky on a couple of the pictures. I will confess that the picture I posted Sunday surprised me. I didn’t expect it to look like it did when I enlarged a section of it and I for sure would have never guessed it if I didn’t know what it was. I’m sort of looking at it with surprised eyes now.

But as always, you all had some great ideas of what it might be although a few of you admitted to being stumped. But you still came up with something to guess. I know it’s good for our imaginations and brains to do that mental exercising.

A few of you saw bird feeders, especially hummingbird feeders. I have seen some beautiful ones, but this picture is far from a birdfeeder. A popular guess was of flower stems in a vase. I could see that in the picture. Lucy made me smile with her specific guess of an English cucumber in a glass of water and Becky saw asparagus in that glass. Love it when you get specific since I know you are seeing what you are describing. I liked your guesses about a paintbrush or painted glass. Mary wondered if they might be scallions and Winnie said it looked like a sensevieria plant. If you know what that is, you are better than me. I did go look it up and it’s what we commonly call a mother-in-law tongue plant. At least that’s what my mother-in-law told me and she knew plants. 🙂

Suzanne guessed a cactus plant and several went for rhubarb. I could see that. Rhubarb has those green and red stalks. Watermelon was mentioned once or twice. It is watermelon season. Lavon guessed a poke plant, but didn’t have much confidence in her guess. She did have a fun memory of her boys painting each other with poke berry juice and staying purple for a while.

Several guessed a painting, a neat guess that could cover a lot of ground. I liked Paula’s guess of a vase reflected in a mirror. Reflection does play a part in this mystery. Lee said a Christmas ornament. Another guess that can cover a lot of different things.

Lisa went rogue on us and listened to her husband who thought it was a guitar. Actually it is something a man might think of first, but no, it makes no music. I liked Karen’s guess of green drapes. I was seeing the image she described. I have to admit I couldn’t see the guitar or the brush or broom bristles a couple of others guessed. But that’s the fun of the game – seeing something different in the image.

I liked Jennifer’s persistence in trying to figure out the mystery by copying the photo and turning it this way and that to get a different view. One of her guesses hinted at the truth – at least grass and well, maybe not so much after all. 🙂

While the photo of the graduation caps and gowns was almost a slam dunk, this one scored a shut out. Nobody came close and you’ll understand why when you see the rest of the picture. I think it was the reflection of the grass in the metal that made it such a mystery. Plus, it’s not the kind of photo I generally take, but I spotted it on a walk recently as I passed by some farm machinery and decided it might make a good mystery photo. I guess it did.

And now we are down to our last mystery photo for this game. You can get another entry in the drawing by guessing on this one that I’m sure won’t be as hard as this pesky lock. I’ll pick three winners by random this weekend, notify them by email, and announce the winners on Sunday’s blog post. Winners will get their choice of one of my books autographed to them or to someone else if they are gifting the book. You must be at least 18 years old to enter. Deadline for entries is midnight EST on Saturday, June 22, 2024.

Thanks again for making this game so much fun.

Now, it’s guessing time again. Just what is that picture up top?

Comments 39

  1. You are having fun with us! I never would have guessed that was a lock.
    Once again…you’ve stumped me with this picture, too.
    No idea what I’m looking at, but, I’ll guess it’s flower petals…maybe on a daisy

  2. Wow! Never would have guessed that last one! This one looks like a tire, but I am probably wrong. Thanks for the fun game, Ann! 🙂

  3. Wow! I never would have guessed a lock! This new one looks kind of like barn siding but that’s not what I’m guessing. I think it’s hair. Darrell’s hair, maybe?

  4. Wow! You’ve really saved the hardest for the last! I’ve looked at that picture ‘til I’m cross-eyed and I still have no earthly idea what it is! But, I’ll take a stab at it, even though I’m sure it’s a far cry from right, and say it’s carpet fiber. (Please don’t laugh. 😬). I’m just thankful to have a chance to win one of your books! Thank you, Ann!

    1. I had trouble with my first comment and didn’t think it posted. So I tried again and both showed up!

  5. This looks to me like a bunch of celery. I think the photo was taken outdoors as there appears to be light and shadow. It seems that some of the stalks show from one side some from the other because of the way the curves appear. This is just the second mystery photo I’ve looked at and followed up on but it’s been really fun and certainly challenging. I’ve also enjoyed reading the other guesses. I hope you will do this again.

  6. I also thought ribbons at first, but they are different widths. Then I thought bacon, but discarded that thought. So, I give up. But I’ll never give up playing your game if you decide to do it again in the future. It is really fun and I love seeing the different guesses. Thanks again, Ann.

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