Mr. Jim and Tinka

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 20 Comments

I sent out a newsletter last week with some smiles. a giveaway, and an invitation for readers to send me a story about their favorite furry buddy. A few readers took me up on it, and as always I’ve heard some neat stories. You know how I love to share stories. So…

But first be sure to look closely at the photo to spot the bookstore cat. Don’t you think books and cats just go together somehow? My daughter and I found the bookstore on a trip. I think it was in Charleston, SC, but I could be wrong. A fun bookstore anyway with several cats and a few couches to invite time to relax with a book and maybe hear a purring cat.

Here’s a great story from Pam of a cat finding the perfect place and being the perfect friend.

I enjoy your newsletter and your contests because they make me think of happy memories. We just lost our cat Mr. Jim. He was a feral cat in our neighborhood and it took my daughter Summer and me a year to catch him to get him to the vet. He was neutered, given his shots and we brought him home to enjoy his life. We have two houses on our property, a barn, and a garage apartment. My cousin lives in the other house, and Mr. Jim promptly moved in with my cousin Tinka.

Tinka is elderly, retired military, not in good health but he and Mr. Jim had their daily routine and enjoyed every day together for the last 12 years. According to our vet, Mr. Jim was at least 17 but could have been older. Please keep my cousin Tinka in your prayers. He misses Mr. Jim and has no other family. We put up bird feeders for him so he could feed and watch the birds and I told him we will keep an eye out for elderly cats needing a home for him. Thank you for reminding me of our sweet animal memories. 

If you didn’t get my newsletter, let me know and I’ll send a copy out to you. Or you can click on this link. And next month I’ll do a giveaway here to add some chances of you all winning some books.

Have you ever been in a bookstore that had cats? Or any kind of store that had a pet in residence?

Comments 20

  1. I work in a used bookstore, which is named Bella’s, after the owner’s cat. She would love to have a cat in there, but we’re right on Main Street (also a busy US highway) and she’s afraid it might get out. Also, it’s a fairly small place and she worries about people with allergies.

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      I can understand her concerns, Kathy. With customers coming and going, it would be hard to be sure a cat would’t run out of the store. And unfortunately, cat allergies do affect many.

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      I suppose cats are much easier to have at a work place than a dog, Connie. A litterbox and some food. And normally cats just stay away from people if they are feeling cranky while a dog might decide to take a chunk out of someone it didn’t like or trust. Wonder if that cat ever took a motorcycle ride?

  2. Our shelter store that helps raise money for our animal shelter has a very large orange tabby and he is very much loved and cared for by all who enter.
    I used to transport a child from school to visit with her Mom; they had a therapy dog that wandered the school and I always wanted to pet her. The dog would allow a short pet then walk away so I thought ‘yea sure therapy dog’. However one day when I went there, I had had a horrible morning and everything had gone wrong. I went in as usual and sat waiting my child to arrive; this dog that had little to do with me on previous visits walked over and just leaned into me, against my legs and wouldn’t budge when called by someone. I pet her and she lay her head on my knees. I realized how wrong I was and how much better she made me feel.

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      That is such a neat story, Pamela, and proves that therapy dog was well trained and sensitive to emotions of the people there. Aren’t dogs and cats the most amazing creatures?

  3. I’ve never been in a bookstore with cats. But there was a veterinary supply store that had a very large gray cat.

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      Sounds like a great place for a cat or dog, Marti. Our Tractor Supply store is very pet friendly. I often see pets with their owners in there. Of course, they have chicks peeping a lot too. They had to finally put a cage around the chicken tubs or whatever they were in. I don’t think it was because of the four legged customers, but the two legged one.

  4. I don’t have any pets, but years ago my son had a pound puppy, Midnight. The pound said she was a Cocker Spaniel and Dachshund, but she was actually a Cocker, Schnauzer mix. When she was tiny we took her for a walk and it started to rain. My son, who was a teen then, put her inside his shirt so she wouldn’t get wet! he built a little staircase of boxes by his bed so she could get up on it. Midnight was quite a digger, I think she was trying to reach China!!

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      Souns as if Midnight found the perfect home with you and your son, Marjorie. A cocker schnauzer mix sounds like a fun combination. Sometimes Frankie digs for China too, but he’s really trying to unearth some poor critter that has usually run far away underground.

  5. We have a mail store near us that used to have a resident cat named Peanut, but it died a couple of years ago. It was such fun to enter the store and spot the calico cat sleeping in a padded basket on the windowsill.

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      Animals just bring an extra something to a place, Suzanne. Well, the right animals. Not sure we want to see mice or rats or snakes, but then if we have that cat, maybe it would keep those away.

  6. You asked about pets in stores… I have not been in a bookstore with a cat, but I have been in multiple other stores that have had cats or dogs in residence. I am an equestrian writer, and almost universally tack shops have animals in residence. I have gone to an osteopath’s office where she had 2 large Olde English Sheepdogs that were the sweetest calmest presence and part of the overall therapy experience. Privately owned pet shops with owner’s pets in residence. Multiple artist studios where cats and dogs were in residence. The local hardware store chocolate Labrador. … on and on 🙂

    1. Post

      You must have been to a lot of animal friendly areas, Linda. Several years ago, I took my mother to a audiologist and they had a resident golden retriever. Everybody loved him. I’ve always thought every nursing home should have a dog or cat. Pets can be such a blessing to someone who is feeling lonely. But I understand about the issues of allergy. Still, a dog could cheer up a day for many.

  7. Yes!! There was one book store I went to that had a cat, and another I went to had a dog. Not that I now remember where these stores were!

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  8. The Dusty Bookshelf bookstore in Manhattan, Kansas had a resident cat. I hope another cat will be found for Tinka.

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  9. When we lived in NJ the art supply store had a resident cat. She too , had her place in the window watching the shoppers go by. We weren’t supposed to pet her or encourage her to interact with us, but who can resist a tickle under your chin!😊 🐈‍⬛

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