Book Fun – A New Giveaway Chance

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 45 Comments

I once read that one of the best ways a writer can promote a book is to give it away. I’m not sure if that’s true or not, but over the years I’ve given away many books. I like to give away books and wish I could give away even more. I went to an author event once where authors were at tables with stacks of books in front of them. The books were free for the taking. Anyone at the event could grab a book, no money involved. The authors gladly scribbled their names inside each book taken if the readers wanted them to. My book that year was Small Town Girl. That was so much fun.

The intent of that event was to introduce the readers, especially bookstore owners or managers, to this or that authors’ books with the hope that the store owners would be impressed with the beautiful book covers and think their customers would want to buy the books when they stocked them on their shelves. Also, the authors and publisher hoped others, who were readers, would read the free books and be eager to read more of said author’s books. Then they might return to their home areas where they would talk about this book they had loved reading because really the absolute best book advertisement is one reader telling another reader that you have to read this book.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that hope springs eternal in that people always want to find a reason for optimism. Writers have a lot of that kind of hope. They feel it when an idea first bursts into their heads or maybe slinks in like a determined worm. They feel it when the idea suddenly sprouts characters and a story road begins to open up. Sometimes the hope fades a bit along the writing trail, but glows hot again after every word is written and the manuscript goes off to editors and publishers. That hope burns bright when the first copy of the book, all wrapped in a lovely cover, is in the author’s hands. Usually by then, for writers like me, new hopes for new stories have begun budding or are already blooming with thousands of words. Hope is a beautiful tool for a writer to keep in his or her toolbox.

But now and then “free” is a great word too, and tonight I’m pulling that word out of my writer toolbox for you.

A while back I helped Suzanne Woods Fisher get one of her books off to a good start by doing that free thing to advertise for her. Now Suzanne has a new book, A Healing Touch, that was just released October 1. Once again she is offering a giveaway chance at multiple places and one of those places is here on One Writer’s Journal.

A Healing Touch is a captivating tale of compassion, resilience, and the bonds that form in surprising places. Bestselling and award-winning author Suzanne Woods Fisher invites you into a new story that’s like medicine for the weary soul. Join Dok, Annie, and the tight-knit Stoney Ridge community as they navigate the twists of fate, discovering that sometimes the greatest healing comes from the heart.  This heartfelt story of a doctor in a tight-knit community is not to be missed!

Giveaways are the best way to celebrate new books! I’m happy to offer you a chance to win Suzanne Woods Fisher’s book A Healing Touch that is fresh off the press. To sweeten the pot just a bit, I’m also offering an autographed copy of The Song of Sourwood Mountain, or if you already have that book, the winner can swap out that prize book for one of my other titles. To enter leave a comment here on this blog post or on Sunday’s post. This is a quick giveaway since I know the winner will be eager to have Suzanne’s book in hand. So deadline for entering is midnight EST October 8, 2024. The winner must be at least 18 years old and will be notified by email and announced here (first name and last name initial) on Wednesday October 9th.

Speaking of winners….

I’ve picked the winners of my Birthday newsletter giveaway. I’ve sent emails to each of the four winners who won their choice of one of my books. Two have already responded. Jennifer of Indiana says “I enjoy a good mystery, so I would like to request one from your Hidden Springs mysteries series.” She chose the first Hidden Springs mystery, Murder at the Courthouse, as her prize. Mary W. of New York chose Scent of Lilacs since she says “that book and series was so special” to her. The other two winners are Trudy C. and Mary S. I’m hoping they will check their email and claim their prize soon.

Thanks for reading and remember to leave a comment to be in the drawing for Suaznne’s book and mine.

Have you ever read a book and then told a reading friend they had to read it?

If so, some writer somewhere says thank you!


Comments 45

  1. Yes I Love when I can share books with friends and family and let them know how great the book is! Thank you for this amazing giveaway!

  2. Yes, I like to mention books that I’ve read and offer to let them read if they want, to some of my sister in laws, that are readers also.

  3. I share books after reviewing to introduce my friends to good authors. Several has kept watching where I review to find good books I have followers on Amazon and Goodreads and Library thing.

  4. What a thrill that event must have been! I recommend books on the regular, and live to spread the word on social media especially whenever I can because of the incredible reach it has! I’m in a monthly library book club too, and we all suggest a book, pull out all the suggestions one by one, and the “last one standing” is our next book. It’s also a super fun way to grow our TBRs!

  5. I like to share the good books I read and tell others about them. My librarian has been putting notes on ones I like so others know I like them. I used to be the librarian there so many of them know me and like what I like. Thank you for the books I’ve won from you. Love Suzanne’s books too!

  6. I have recommended books to friends over the years when I know their reading interests well enough to know what they might like. And yes, you’re one of the authors I recommend. 🙂

  7. I do love to share a good book that I have read and do so often with family, friends and co-workers. I have a good friend who works at our local library and she shares great finds with me all of the time. I have enjoyed all of your books and shared them so many people. How wonderful to have a chance to receive a free book and if I don’t, I have another to add to my never ending list of books to read.

  8. I just finished Sourwood Mountain and loved it. Hope you have a sequel coming soon. I loved the characters and I want to keep up with them. I share books with my cousins and my aunts. We all enjoy reading before bed and pass our books down to each other. I hope I win I would love to read The Healing Touch.
    Blessings, Pam

  9. What an awesome idea, to have a few authors giving away their books! I love the thought of having a library someday and spreading the joy of reading to others. Thank you for your hard work and blessing others!

  10. I have read every one of your books, Ann. Several have been read twice. I would love to read Suzanne’s new book. I have read many of her earlier books (with pleasure.) Thanks for helping a fellow writer and for sharing the wealth with your readers.

  11. I have read some of Suzanne books and like you she is a awesome writer. Just finishing up your book Song of Sourwood Mountain and enjoyed it tremendously. I always tell friends about good books and give them as gifts
    May God continue to inspire you with many more great stories. Marjorie

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