1st Sunday Devotional – Snow

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 19 Comments

Snow! You either love it, endure it, or hate it. Or maybe like me, you like it sometimes, maybe even most of the time, but get tired of it if the snow overstays its welcome. I’m sort of the one good snow a year and that’s enough, but I know some people love snow so much they want the ground to stay white all through January and February. Could be if they live in Kentucky where I do, they should  move to northern Alaska. 🙂

Here in Kentucky we have had years where the snow did come and stay around for weeks. The kids got an extended Christmas vacation and that was before they did the online school. Back then nobody had computers and thought being online might mean you were on a train headed somewhere – perhaps south.

The dogs and I took a long walk this morning before the snow started falling, but Frankie thought they needed another walk this afternoon. Frankie always thinks he needs another walk. By then, the snow was at least four inches deep and had changed to freezing rain.

Rain that freezes as it falls is on my never like list. Ice is good in its place but that place isn’t falling from the sky. But the weather does what the weather does whether I like it or not. After several hours of the icy rain, the snow has a crusty surface and every surface has a nice coating of ice. If the sun comes out tomorrow, the world will sparkle.

Anyway, about that second walk, you can see what Marley was thinking about it once we went outside. He stopped walking and stared at me. His look is asking why are we out here instead of the nice warm house.

I decided he was making sense, and even Frankie was ready to get out of the freezing rain. We went back to the house where I could watch the birds show up at the freshly filled birdfeeder. When it snows, the home birds must tell their friends about this place they know, because the tree above the feeder is often filled with cardinals, sparrows, doves, titmice, chickadees, a couple of nuthatches, a woodpecker or two and more.

Whether you love or hate snow, the earth is glad to receive it in its season. The white blanket covers the ground, and the earth gladly accepts the moisture when melting time comes. That waters the earth to bring forth the fruit of the earth as God promises in this verse from Isaiah.

“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

~Isaiah 55:10-11 (NKJ)

Snow can be beautiful. Snow can interfere with our plans. Snow can make travel dangerous on foot or by car. Snow can make a playground for kids and skiers. Snow can make all normal activities of a place screech to a halt. And it can water the earth.

Do you like snow?

Comments 19

  1. I like the beauty of the snow when it’s falling and it makes everything white and sparkling. I used to love for it to snow to get out of going to school for a day or two when I was a child. But now I’m ready for it to be gone by the next day so I can get back to my normal activities.

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      I’m with you, Connie. Let’s have snow for a day, two at the most, and then let it melt away. Unfortunately, this snow isn’t going to be one of those. Supposed to be zero in the next couple of days with no temperatures above freezing. Not much chance of a lot of sun either. But it is January and some Januarys are like this. I’m sort of glad that not every January is here in Kentucky. And the kids these days don’t get those old fashioned snow days. Now they have to go to school via computer. Not sure what happens to the kids whose families lose power. Guess they have to make it up later.

  2. Hi Ann, I do love snow. ❤️ But really, after getting older, and now my son, and my nieces and nephews who use to love getting together and sleigh ride and play in the snow, I love it a lot less. Now they have to get out in the snow to go to work, they roads are bad at first until vdot gets them clean, and it’s just dangerous. And like today where we live, we have snow, and later will be ice and freezing rain until on into the day tomorrow. So where I love to see snow covering the farm, and other farms and properties around, my mind has changed a bit.

    Like you, I hate the ice. And that’s what we have so much of today. But it’s suppose to warm up a little today and tomorrow so it will be gone.

    Have fun in the snow!

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      I think our snow is going to stick around for a while, Joy. The forecast is calling for zero temperatures and windchills that you don’t even want to think about. That will make it hard for those who have lost power. So far we still have the lights on. That makes us among the fortunate ones.

      It is different when you have to get out on those snowy and icy roads to go to work and makes it even more different when you are having to worry about your kids and loved ones being the ones out there. But you are right that it can transform the scenery out here on the farm.

  3. Since we moved to SC about 8 years ago, we realize how much we do not miss the ice and heavy snow that happened in Virginia. We don’t have 4 distinct seasons in the Lowcountry. I miss having all four seasons. 🙂 Stay safe and warm. Happy New Year!

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      Virginia can get some good snows, Melissa. I think snow makes everything beautiful, but the years we haven’t had much snow have been fine with me. Down there in Lowcountry you can enjoy much milder weather.

  4. The snow is beautiful here in Kentucky and I love seeing the bright cardinals with the sparkling background. But I wish for the warmth of spring now. Ollie is much like Marley…he’s not a fan. But he slipped and slid to his favorite neighbor’s house this morning where he’ll likely stay til supper time. As for me, I only ventured out to the porch to feed the birds. It’s a good day for sewing. I’m thankful our region still has power. Stay safe and warm everyone.

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      Cardinals are beautiful anytime, Lavon, but they are exceptional with a white background and glittering icy branches for a perch. I counted 8 male cardinals at one time with a compliment of females at my feeder today. It was a very busy time. Some bossy cowbirds showed up and even though they aren’t that big, they were being bullies on the feeder. The little birds had to zoom in and out in between the cowbirds, the blue jays, the woodpecker and the cardinals. I need to put out another feeder in snowy weather like this to give them more chances.

      Since I kept power (so far) it was a good day for writing too.

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      Then you might have enjoyed a quick visit to Kentucky and then a quick return to Florida, Trudy. Snow is pretty. When I walked today, it was sort of like being inside a snow globe with the snowflakes swirling around. But the walking on the snow with any icy crust wasn’t much fun.

      1. I’d love to see snow!! I visited friends in Amarillo, TX for Christmas, and both years I’ve done so, they didn’t have snow while I was there. Some day, maybe, I’ll see it! I don’t know that I want it for months and have to drive in it, I’d just like to see it once! lol!!

  5. My thoughts on snow are much like yours. I live only a few miles from you so we probably have about the same amount of snow. It is beautiful but, at 80, you won’t find me out in it.
    Our younger daughter loves the snow and she loves playing in it even if she is 47 years old. She isn’t working today because the dentist office is closed. I pray she doesn’t try to get to her favorite hill here in Scott County to try her hand at sledding! She lives in the county where the roads are curvy, narrow, and hilly.
    I am thankful that the schools are closed so that our 17 year old granddaughter doesn’t have to be out on those roads.
    Even though I wish everyone could stay inside I am thankful for all of the people who must be out there to serve the community. I pray that they will be safe coming and going.
    Every day is a day to be thankful for.

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      I think much of the middle of Kentucky had similar amounts of snow and ice. I would have preferred not to have that ice between the snows. I mean when I tried to walk the dogs, I kept tripping on the snow where it broke into icy chunks. Marley just stopped walking and looked at me. He didn’t move until we headed back toward the house. Not sure how it will go tomorrow, and the forecast is called for really cold and more snow next weekend.

      I admire your daughter for still wanting to play in the snow. the last time I tried to sled with the grandkids ten or so years ago, I decided the ground was too bumpy under that snow for me. But today with the ice on top of the snow, it had to be great sledding.

  6. I like snow once a year. That’s enough for me
    It makes everything beautiful for awhile until it turns to slush and melts. I used to love it but now, it makes me nervous. My husband is handicapped and we’re both old so falling is a hazard. Thanks for the reminder… my bird feeder needs a refill.

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      Got to keep those bird feeders full to enjoy the birds, Lee. I’ve enjoyed watching them today while I wrote about my new story people. My birdfeeder is right outside my office windows.

      Snow can be hazardous. Hope you can stay inside and be safe.

  7. I think it is beautiful has a purpose and can be dangerous. I live in where it hardly ever snows now. I really don’t miss it.

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      So you get to enjoy the beauty of the snow in pictures or movies, Sharon. I haven’t missed snow on the winters when Kentucky missed out on anything but a few flurries if that. Then in the last few years, the snows we had were in March when the sun came out, warmed things up and got rid of the snow. Those were pretty good snows. I even went back to being a kid once and built a snow dog. This snow didn’t inspire that childishness in me.

  8. I grew up in New York City and when I was a teen, at the first snow my friends and I would fix our hair, put on our makeup and go meet somewhere. By the time we got home, we all looked like drowned rats!! Logic was obviously absent 🙂 :). I have a photo of my oldest son out in the snow in his snowsuit, with his shovel, having a grand time. He had to have been three because he drowned when he was four. I have lived in Florida since 1974, where it snows maybe once in fifty years!! If I lived in a cold climate it would be painful. My Gardenia is blooming as are my Roses, Chrysanthemum, Buttercup and another that typically blooms in summer, but the name of it escapes me!! We do get cold snaps sometimes and plants will freeze. I hope the sun shines on you!!!!

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      Isn’t logic always absent for teens, Marjorie? 🙂

      I’m sure that picture is precious to you, remembering your son in a happy moment.

      Floridians don’t do well with the cold. We had a guy at our church that headed to Florida at the first cool night in the fall. I’m imagining your beautiful flowers.

      The sun peeked out this afternoon but the week’s forecast is one to make a person wish for a Florida escape.

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