“An opening line should invite the reader to begin the story. It should say: Listen. Come in here. You want to know about this.” ~Stephen King
One of the most important lines in a story is that very first one that you write. But as important as that is to grab the attention of a reader, a first line can also be a major spark of inspiration for a writer. A perfect first sentence coming to mind while the story is still mostly a mystery to me is a gift and makes me eager to write the next sentence and the next as the story comes alive for me.
Oftentimes those first lines get changed during rewriting, but sometimes that first line is nailed down when I first type it out. That was how it was when I wrote the first line for my upcoming release, The Pursuit of Elena Bradford. I hope it gives readers a hint of Elena’s personality and as you read on to the next few lines, of her dilemma.
Sometimes a first line circles around in my head for weeks or even months as I begin thinking about my characters and story. That was how it was when I wrote my last Shaker story, The Refuge. I also knew all along that I wanted to write my female character in first person, even though that was not something I’d done with any of my recent novels. But Darcie said she needed to tell her story in her own words. And she kept saying that first line over and over in my head until I said okay and wrote it down.
I like the first line I came up with for The Song of Sourwood Mountain, but it was one I had to work on a little more. It still stayed the same from the first draft and through all the edits. For me, this first line led into one of the themes of the story–Mira’s unmarried status, her wish for a family of her own, and how she thought she would never get that desire of her heart.
The following is not the first line in When the Meadow Blooms. But this was my original first line that inspired my vision of my young character, Sienna. During edits, my editors thought it better to start with a different scene and I trusted their experience in working on hundreds of books. So we switched around a couple of scenes and this was the first line of Chapter 2 when readers met my two sisters, Sienna and Calla. Thinking about two sisters in an orphanage was my beginning inspiration for the story. They became real in my thoughts while other parts of the story developed to give them support. Sienna is one of my favorite characters, maybe because she made friends with those crows, Stanley and Josephine.
And last here is the first line for my second Hidden Springs Mystery, Murder Comes by Mail. Again this was my original first line that got the mystery rolling. This first line came straight out of my own experience. It wasn’t something my mother told me. But years ago here in my hometown, a man did jump off a bridge like the one in the story and he did survive although others in the town’s history did not. I’m glad the bridge no longer seems to draw people intent on suicide, but at one time that seemed to be true. The story told about the man who survived the jump was that he said he knew the moment he let go of the bridge that he’d done the wrong thing. So, that’s where this first line came from and if you’ve read the story, you know Michael, my hero deputy, kept this guy from jumping although things did keep going wrong after that.
Does a good first line invite you into a story? And did any of these make you want to read my story?
We just had fun with a giveaway. So why not do another one? Leave a comment about your favorite first lines. It can be one of these or maybe just the first line of a book you’re reading right now and that can be your entry. As always you have to be at least 18 years or older to enter. Deadline to enter will be midnight EST March 1, 2025 and the winner will be notified by email. The prize is your choice of one of my already published books. That rules out my upcoming May release, The Pursuit of Elena Bradford. Sorry about that, but be patient. I’ll be having some giveaways for it in May.
Comments 24
‘You can’t cheat death.’ This line hits hard for me right now as my mother has been in the hospital for 10 days and may or may not make it back home. She has led a long 85 years;I feel like her body may be wearing out. I am praying for the Lord’s Will. This too shall pass;one way or another.
All of these first lines do grab my attention. Therefore, I am placing them on my ‘to read’ list. I admire your ability and talent for allowing your readers to go where they may never physically be able to go or want to for that matter.
I hope your mother gets to come home, Victoria. So sad when someone wants to be home so much but isn’t able to be. My mother was that way the last of her life, but her dementia didn’t let her feel at home even when she was. Prayers that your mother will be blessed with more time and you will be able to share that blessing.
So glad you thought the first lines might lead you into a good story. I like the way you put it for readers “to go where they may never physically be able to go or want to for that matter.” I’ve certainly read books that dealt with situations I was glad to never have to face.
I can’t think of any first lines. What gets me into a book is what is written on the back cover.
That back cover content is very important in enticing readers to give a book a try, Una. I’m hoping that will be true with my upcoming release. My publishers do a great job with coming up with great taglines.
Here is one of the teasers that will show up online to advertise The Pursuit of Elena Bradford.
“With a southern flare and a spark of intrigue, this stand-alone clean historical romance will charm readers with masterful artists, colorful balls and dancing, a love triangle, and endearing family relationships.”
One first line that grabbed my attention was “Death had always been fashionable.” from Specters in the Glass House by Jaime Jo Wright. That book was unputdownable from the first.
Jaime Jo Wright knows how to write page turners for sure, Lynsay. I know she would be happy to know that her first line grabbed your attention.
First lines don’t typically stick in my mind. As long as the humor, drama, etc matches the rest of the book, I’m happy. If it doesn’t match, I’m confused, bewildered, and worried about my reading comprehension. 😂
I remember really loving the opening of Northanger Abbey, because it set the tone perfectly.
Setting the tone is a great way for a book to start off, Marti. First lines of the books I read don’t necessarily stick in my memory, but I do appreciate one when I read it. But then I appreciate all the lines that jump out to me as especially good.
And nobody likes to be confused, bewildered, and worried while they are reading unless that happens to be the author’s intent, I suppose.
The first line in When The Meadow Blooms.
I’m glad you like that one, Mary. I had a good time getting to know my two sisters and trying to keep Sienna out of trouble.
Here’s one from a book of yours, Murder is No Accident that grabbed my attention. When Maggie Green heard a noise in the big old house below her, she sucked in her breath to listen. Makes you wonder what she was hearing that frightened her and why.
That’s neat, Connie. I remember thinking long and hard how I wanted to open up that mystery. I knew I’d have Maggie in the tower room of that old house. The old house and tower room were my beginning spark of inspiration for that story. There’s a house like that on our Main Street here in my town and when I was a wanna-be writer as a teen I used ti imagine being up in that tower room writing my stories.
“I smiled as I read the very first sentence in this book. “Small town, small river, small lake, small northern part of a Midwest state.” However, as I read on and finished the book, that was a perfect opening.” I keep a book journal and jot down thoughts that grab my attention and made me think a while. This first sentence was from Ray Bradbury’s The Halloween Tree.
I love it when readers like you say they keep a notebook with things they particularly like about the books they read, Loretta. I listened to an audio book the other day and noted so many perfectly written descriptions that I wished I had the print book to actually see the words which would help me remember them better.
My son loved Ray Bradbury books.
Hello, Ann!
I enjoyed this post. I AM drawn in by a great first line!
That first line from Murder Comes by Mail is intriguing and inviting.
Thank you for this giveaway opportunity! 🥰
I’m so glad you enjoyed reading about first lines and how my story is sometimes inspired by the right first line, Laura. I’m also glad that you found the first line for Murder Comes by Mail intriguing and inviting. Intriguing is good for the first line of a mystery. Or any book, as far as that goes.
The first line of any book doesn’t really do it for me most of the time. It’s more like the first paragraph. With This Present Darkness, it took ten chapters!! Maybe it’s because I read so many books? I read 252 last year, and so far this year I’m on my 38th.
Wow! I always admire readers like you, Trudy. And I’m thankful for them too as you keep us writers going with your reading. Sounds as if you are a patient reader and willing to give a book a chance. I think I am too, most of the time. I’ve been so happy to be able to increase my reading time by listening to audio books. So I often have an audio book going as well as a print or ebook and maybe a research book too. But while I am actively writing a new book, I have to be careful not to listen to certain books because, for some reason, I get that writer’s voice in my head worse when I’m listening to a book than when I’m just reading it.
When I’m contemplating a new book or author I always read the first paragraph. If it grabs me, I choose it. First lines are critical in my opinion.
I loved that first line of Song of Sourwood Mountain! It grabbed me into the story immediately. You have a knack for great first lines. 🙂
Here’s a good first line from the book I’m currently reading. “What fascinates me about life is that now and then the past rises up and declares itself.” (U is for Undertow, by Sue Grafton)
That is a good first line, Lavon. Sue Grafton wrote some great books. And to write that many about the same main character has to be a challenge. If you’re on U then you’ve almost run through the alphabet although Grafton died before she got through all the alphabet. But that titling by alphabet was genius.
So glad you think my first lines are usually good and that you liked the one for The Song of Sourwood Mountain. I usually give a new book more than a paragraph when deciding whether to read it or not, but I have put down some books without finishing them.
I was already looking forward to your new book, The Pursuit of Elena Bradford, but after reading the first line, I can hardly wait! Sounds intriguing. Thanks for the “teaser”, Ann. 😉
Glad that my first lines are pulling you toward wanting to find out what happens with Elena after that, Judi. These graphics that authors like to make and post are fun “teasers.” Intriguing is good for those first lines.
This comes from The Veteran’s Valentine Helper from Lee Tobin McClain: April Collins parked in front of her new temporary home, yawned and stretched tired muscles. Driving all night had been best for her six-year-old twins, but she was exhausted. She looked up at the blue sky and thanked God for a sunny day and a truck that had made it from Chicago to Western Pennsylvania. A fresh start for the new year.
Always fun to see how an author starts out their story, Diana. Hope you are enjoying the book.