When Love Is Written in the Stars

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 2 Comments

Photo by Ryan Hutton on Unsplash

Sometimes we find love and sometimes love finds us.

When I sent out my newsletter on Valentine’s Day, I invited readers to share Valentine stories. Some did, and now I get to share these magical first meetings with you.

Robin was at work when love found her. A first date on Valentine’s is a great way to start out a love that lasts..

We met in the bank I was working at when he came in to open an account.  There was a mutual spark, so we went to lunch together several times, but being single parents we had to coordinate our weekends so we could go out on a nighttime date. It turned out our first date was Valentine’s Day, he took me out for dinner & dancing! It was magical! That was 30 years ago & we’re going to be celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary in June! 

Robin met her fellow while she was working, but sometimes you can have a chance meeting at a White Castle’s. Marla shares why she and her husband like celebrating Valentine’s Day at White Castle.

A nice memory I have is my husband and I going to White Castle restaurant on Valentine’s day a few years ago. It was the same restaurant that we met in 1984. I was 16. He was 20. My friends and I were cruising around on a summer night and parked our car. Turns out we parked next to him and his friend. We started talking in the parking lot. Eventually we dated. We’ve been married 32 years. … The Lord has blessed us tremendously!!

This last story from Jan does prove that sometimes love is written in the stars and that two people meeting is meant to be.

My husband and I met over a Valentine card 🙂 We went to the same college but never met each other. I found out later that he was a school bus driver and had been seeing a girl standing on the corner almost every day that he thought was kind of cute and she went to the same college we did. Little did I know that she was almost my twin, in looks anyway. My husband would see me sometimes and then see her other times.  She was the one on the corner, not me. When he asked his friends who a certain girl was sometimes they said Phyllis and sometimes Jan. He thought they were just teasing him and that there was really only one girl. So, near Valentine’s Day he decided to buy a Valentine’s card and send it to the girl. He saw Phyllis most often but remembered my name. So, the card he thought he was sending to Phyllis he addressed to me. I received the card and could not for the life of me figure out who this guy was. He was not in any of the yearbooks since he had transferred to my college just that summer. So, it was quite a mystery. He and I had a mutual friend who asked me if I would like to meet the guy who sent me the card and I said sure. Well, that was 53 years ago and we got married that next December. This is the abbreviated version of our meeting but it was unexpected and totally God directed. I had never seen him before and he thought he was sending the card to the other girl, but God knew we needed to meet.

Love this story about how things can work out too make sure the right two people get together. Jan’s story proves that sometimes romance is written in the stars.

 “I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” Paul Coelho, The Alchemist

Thank you, Marla, Robin and Jan for sharing your Valentine love stories with us.

Do you have great memories of how you met your special someone? 

Next post maybe I’ll share the chance meeting that started my husband and me on our romance road.


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