1st Sunday Devotional – The Gift of Birds

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 23 Comments

Photo by Paula Robinson on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered why we say the bluebird is a harbinger of happiness? Is it those blue feathers with the stain of red on the bird’s breast?

One legend explains the bluebird’s red breast by claiming the little bird blew on the fire in the stable to keep the flames going and warm the Christ Child on the night He was born.  In the process the bird’s breast was scorched. That’s certainly enough to endear the little bluebird to our hearts. Plus just the sight of such a cheery spot of blue where many birds are brown or gray or black can brighten our day. It’s as if the bluebird flew up into the sky and brought down a piece of it with him.

The sight of a bluebird can bring a smile to our lips and help us put aside our worries, but it’s not just bluebirds. There are red cardinals, red headed woodpeckers, indigo buntings to name just a few with bright feathers to catch our eyes. Even the little gray birds have their beauty like one of my favorites, the titmouse with its topknot feathers and the blush of pink under its wings.

God outfits the birds all beautifully in feathers of every color. He  gives each of them a song  that they sing with joy as they welcome spring. He supplies them with the right feed for each one whether seeds or insects or the juice of flowers. Then He promises to do the same for us. So why don’t we trust in His care and provision as we rest in His will instead of worrying about the future and running ahead to take care of everything ourselves without seeking the Lord’s guidance and believing His promises?

In my soon to be released novel, The Song of Sourwood Mountain, my character Mira discovers that when she trusts the Lord and dares to follow His lead, her life will be blessed. We too can be blessed when we step out in faith to walk down the paths the Lord has for us.

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they are?”  Matthew 6:26 (NIV)

Does seeing birds cheer up your day?

Comments 23

  1. The way you explain meaning behind bluebirds is truly inspiring. I cheer up to see bird of any kind but my personal favorites are parrots, their sound and whistles make my day.

  2. I love the story of the bluebird! Thanks for sharing, Ann.

    I also loved seeing the rose-breasted grosbeaks stopover at my feeders during their cross country flight in the spring when I lived in my house in Illinois.

    By the way, Andy Griffith played guitar and sang about Sourwood Mountain on TV
    last evening. It was so special to hear, in anticipation of reading your book. Can’t wait.

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      Somebody else told me about Andy Griffith singing that song, on his show ,Mary Clare. I honestly didn’t know about the song when I picked the name Sourwood for my mountain community.

      Glad you enjoyed the bluebird stories. And the rose-breasted grosbeaks are fun to see at a feeder.

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      It is neat to pay attention to all the different kinds of birds in our surroundings, Connie. A few years ago, I joined up in the one day count of birds. I was supposed to pay attention to how many different types of birds I saw and send in the information to somewhere. Kept me busy all day counting birds.

  3. so much so that we have the Merlin app so we can identify their calls. We have enlarged our knowledge of birds a great deal just by hearing their calls. What a diversity of feathered friends we have out there! Birdwatching (and listening) is an exercise in pure delight.

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      I’ve had a couple of people tell me about the Merlin app, Amy. I need to download that so I can identify bird calls too. It sounds like so much fun. That was I can be a bird listener like you.d

  4. My kitchen table is in front of a large window to my backyard. It is fun to sit there and watch the birds as I eat. One of our local shops had a spring sale a few weeks ago and I could not resist buying a chunky bluebird figurine. I have it on my table and it makes me smile to see its cute face. I think of it as my bluebird of happiness.

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  5. My favorite is the cardinal, it is said they are visitors from heaven making a visit to those they love.True or old wives tale I don’t know, but love to be visited by one..

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      There is such a great variety in birds, Lucy. You have the little birds and the big birds. The colorful birds and the gray birds. But they are all pretty in their own way. Another lesson for us.

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  6. My husband and I were outside enjoying the beautiful afternoon yesterday and heard one of those beautiful little bluebirds singing and then it flew out of our apple tree above our heads and did make us smile. 🙂

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      That would be a treat, Hope. I thought I might get me a bluebird house for my backyard, but I let the time slip away. Not sure they would choose it for a nesting place now. But I might get one and hang it out anyway.

  7. Absolutely!
    I have 2 bird feeders attached to my living room window, and another feeder hangs from the eaves nearby. My favorite chair is angled so I can see them but they don’t see me. Watching the feeders has become part of my morning routine. When worries try to crowd in, watching the birds reminds me of our loving Savior.

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      Seeing the birds zooming in for a few seeds to start their day is a good way to start ours, Lavon. I have a hard time settling down to write when I know the bird feeder out my office window is empty. Usually, I just give it up and go feed the birds. Then I can write. 🙂

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