A New Book Cover – Coming 2011

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

What do you think about the cover of my next book, Angel Sister, scheduled for release in February 2011? I really like it. The little girl is a perfect Lorena and doesn’t it just look like she’s gazing up at her “angel sister?” I had been holding off sharing the new book cover since The Seeker has just hit the …

A Daddy’s Shoulder

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Is there any safer place to be than with your head on your daddy’s shoulder? This is my oldest son with one of his twin boys. With five kids he gets plenty of practice being dad. My other son has four kids so he’s a busy dad too. Both are hands on dads who can do whatever needs doing for …

My First Christian Writers Conference

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Here I am with Virginia Smith, writer and great keynote speaker at the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference. Ginny did a great job of firing up all us writers at the conference with her three speeches on The Road to Publication. She told us about her bumpy road as a writer when she went for years without selling any of her …

On the Road to a Story

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

This is the road through the middle of the Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill near where I live. It’s peaceful looking, isn’t it? No traffic runs on it today except maybe what the workers of the living history museum there use to carry supplies, etc. But at one time this was the main road for everybody wanting to go between …