–Smile! That’s what all us writers did a lot of on Saturday at the Kentucky Book Fair. That’s because there are always a lot of reading friends and other writers to smile back at us. Here I am with my tablemate and fellow historical Christian novel writer, Jan Watson. Jan is very popular with her readers. They all love her …
The Beauty of Nature
“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” –Rachel Carson What a great time of the year to feast on the beauty of the world around us! I’m enjoying the sunshine and the crisp autumn air. It makes for some great walking weather. And I like bringing some …
A Photo Shoot Adventure
–This is the view from the deck around the cabin we stayed in last week with Darrell’s siblings and spouses. There’s just something about looking out at beautiful mountains or any beautiful scenery that renews the spirits. That’s one of the reasons I like to walk every day. So I can be out there and see what’s going on in …
The Seeker’s New Cover Art
Hi everybody. I just got back from a jaunt to the mountains where we had a good time visiting with Darrell’s family. We’ve all been married so long that we all feel like sisters and brothers now. I’ve even heard some of the growing up stories about when this or that happened so many times that I feel like I …
Live in the Sunshine
–Live in the sunshine – that’s a phrase out of a song the Patriot Quartet sang last night at their homecoming that so caught my imagination I put it on my Facebook page and now I’m putting it here. What great advice! Live in the sunshine of hope and joy and leave behind the shadows of doubts and fear. –Today …
Singing, Walking, and Writing
–Here’s the Patriot Quartet singing at Goshen’s Homecoming. That’s our church and that’s Darrell on the right with the patriotic tie. If you like Southern Gospel you would probably like their sound and their new song “An American Christian” that’s getting some play on gospel stations around the country right now. They’re going to have their Homecoming singing on Friday …
Frost on the Pumpkin
–At least there would be frost on the pumpkin if we had any pumpkins in the garden this year. The grass was white this morning. So I hunted up a last year’s picture of my angel trumpet plant because this year’s plant got frosted last night before it had a chance to bloom. I should have covered it up, but …
The Disappearing Letter
–There was a list in Reader’s Digest this month of the 8 Things being Killed by the Internet. Polite disagreement – Memory – Daydreaming – Waiting a day for sports scores – Footnotes – Leaving your desk for lunch – Concentration – Letter writing. –What do you think? Are these things being killed off by our fascination with the internet? …
A Dog Named Jaks
–It’s no secret that I’m a dog lover and have been since I got the dog hunger when I was about eight years old. Maybe earlier. A dog bit my nose when I was trying to pet it before I started school. Didn’t discourage me a bit. I was just sorry I didn’t get to pet the dog. –This year …
Sharpening Pencils
–I just wasted most of my early morning working time sharpening pencils. Well, not really sharpening actual pencils, but doing things that were about as productive in actually getting any words written. I suppose a sharpened pencil might make one more productive. That’s always what the writer thinks when he or she stops writing because come on, a person can’t …