Homecomings and Burgoo

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

–This was the weekend for Homecomings for the Patriot Quartet. First we had our Homecoming and Darrell got to be “home” and visit with all the members and friends who came to hear the Patriots great concert at Goshen Sunday morning. I fully intended to take a picture of the church to post on here, but I got so busy …

Happy Birthday to Me!

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

To celebrate my birthday yesterday I thought I’d show you a girl who really enjoys her birthdays. This is Jillian at her birthday party in June. Somehow us older folks don’t know how to celebrate with such abandon the way a three-year-old can. But I’m still thankful for every birthday and glad to celebrate. I’ve just stopped counting them up. …

Book Talks and Dub’s in Trouble Again

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Here I am with the Butler County Librarian, Kenna, after my booktalk yesterday in Morgantown. I appreciated those who were able to come and hope they enjoyed hearing about how I started writing and kept on writing. Sometimes the kept on part is harder than the start part. But perseverance generally pays off and it has for me since I …