–This was the weekend for Homecomings for the Patriot Quartet. First we had our Homecoming and Darrell got to be “home” and visit with all the members and friends who came to hear the Patriots great concert at Goshen Sunday morning. I fully intended to take a picture of the church to post on here, but I got so busy …
In the Internet Doghouse – Again!!
No picture tonight. I’ll be fortunate to get words to go since I seem to have gotten in the internet doghouse again. My grandson was here and he must have said yes to some game download when he should have said cancel or no. So groan, and double groan. I’m back to snail pace on the net for twenty-four hours. …
Reasons for Wonder
–Now that I’ve figured out how to add pictures to my blog and have the faster internet service to do so without it being like pulling teeth, I want to put a picture everytime I come by to talk to you. Even if the picture doesn’t have a thing to do with anything I’d thought about writing. It’s a nice …
Forgetting the Writer and Living the Story
–This was my aunt’s typewriter that is now mine and has an honored spot in my office. My aunt took a secretarial course at one time and enjoyed learning to type and do shorthand. She was like a granny to me and my sisters and I especially always had fun going to her house and getting to type on her …
Celebrating at Shaker Village
— One of the nice things about getting older – and there are some nice things – is that if you want to celebrate a week after your actual birthday that’s just as much fun as celebrating on the actual day. My sister and I have birthdays a week apart. A few years apart originally, but now we often celebrate …
And the Rain Came Down
–We had our family reunion yesterday. In the rain. At my house. We’ve been doing this reunion of my mom’s side of the family for almost thirty years. In that time we’ve been rained on three times. A pretty good record. Except that two of those times were the last two times I hosted the party. I told them yesterday …
Happy Birthday to Me!
To celebrate my birthday yesterday I thought I’d show you a girl who really enjoys her birthdays. This is Jillian at her birthday party in June. Somehow us older folks don’t know how to celebrate with such abandon the way a three-year-old can. But I’m still thankful for every birthday and glad to celebrate. I’ve just stopped counting them up. …
Book Talks and Dub’s in Trouble Again
Here I am with the Butler County Librarian, Kenna, after my booktalk yesterday in Morgantown. I appreciated those who were able to come and hope they enjoyed hearing about how I started writing and kept on writing. Sometimes the kept on part is harder than the start part. But perseverance generally pays off and it has for me since I …
Families – Real and Imagined
– You remember last summer when I kept you up to date on these two guys’ impending arrival. Well, here’s Matt (left) and John at about 11 months old. Aren’t they cute? – I’m so excited about finally figuring out how to post pictures that I’m wanting to share. I’ve already been sharing over on Facebook. How many of you …
Weeds or Wildflowers?
Hey everybody! Look at this. I actually uploaded a picture. At least I think I have. Guess the truth will be in the pudding as the old saying goes when I try to publish this post. What’s with this truth is in the pudding saying anyway? Do people say that because some pie maker bragged about their delicious custard and …