Snowy Sundays

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

It appears winter wasn’t quite through with us. Last Sunday was balmy. This Sunday snowy. Our church didn’t have services the same as about three-fourths of the churches in the area. And it just hasn’t seemed like Sunday without going to church to meet and worship with my church family. Actually due to the SC Book Festival and then going …

A WOW Experience at the SC Book Festival

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Hi, everybody. I’m late posting this week because I was late getting back from the South Carolina Book Festival, and believe me, it was a festival. And they celebrated writers and books. Of course I’ve been a lifelong book lover, so it was the perfect place for me. Everybody associated with the festival was extra friendly and helpful. A special …

Book Readings and Signings

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

My booksigning/reading went well on Friday night. Thanks be to the Lord for family and friends who are ready to support a writer in need. There is absolutely nothing sadder than an author at a booksigning when nobody shows up to get a book signed. Actually I haven’t done many booksignings like that. I did have one signing back years …

Launching Summer of Joy and Beginning a New Book

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

We’ve been having some real Kentucky weather. Last week up to almost 70 degrees and then tornadoes and storms. This week windchills down to zero. It’s chilly out there. When I walked yesterday, I had to pull out my big coat. The one that’s so fluffy and thick that my arms stand out from my sides. I don’t pull out …

Speeches and Book launch for Summer of Joy

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Finally got those galleys corrected and off to the editor. I’m hoping I made the story read better. I like to read books that don’t jar the reader away from the story because of awkward wording and so that’s the kind of book I want to write. I even sometimes read my final copy aloud so that my ear can …

The different types of books I’ve written

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

January is speeding along. I’m busy working on edits for my novel, The Outsider, that is scheduled for publication in August. It’s a bit of a departure from my Hollyhill books and is more the traditional historical romance. My Hollyhill books are family dramas with lots of different characters while in The Outsider the story centers around the heroine and …