I’m a day late today. Yesterday was my anniversary. Darrell and I have been married umpteen years. I remember noting the anniversary where I’d been married half my life and then the one two-thirds. Now I’m heading toward the three-fourths but that’s still a ways down the road. It’s hard to realize so many years have gone by since we …
“Are You Famous?”
The Kentucky Book Fair was yesterday. It’s a great event because a lot of readers show up to talk to the many writers (over 120 authors) and buy books. People do their Christmas shopping and come in with lists they have written after searching through the Book Fair catalogue. My book actually made some of those lists and I’m grateful …
Shocks and Surprises
Wednesday certainly rolls around quickly. In a couple of weeks we’ll be talking Turkey day. I like Thanksgiving. When I was a kid my aunt cooked some of my favorite foods, things like cornsticks and turkey (well sometimes chicken) and dressing. Plus she put salt in those cute little salt wells at everybody’s plate. That in of itself made the …
Sunny South Carolina
It was warm and sunny in South Carolina Thursday, Friday and Saturday. And then we came home to Kentucky and found winter taking up residence here. It is chilly outside. I had to fill up the car with gas a while ago and all of us at the gas tanks were complaining about the chill. Not the prices. Wow! It …
Some Trees to Remember
What is your favorite tree? Thanks, Jane, for letting us know some of your favorites. I’ve been trying to think of my own and of course, couldn’t narrow it down to one. I enjoy walking among the trees. Taking a path that leads through some towering oaks or golden maples. Even as a kid, I would pick out this or …
Trick or Treats and Ghost Stories
Friday was Halloween. It seems like Halloween gets a little more popular every year. There are even special Halloween stores now and many, many decorated yards. I’m not much of a decorator. I have put pumpkins out on my porch when we raised them in the garden a time or two and I might have even carved a face in …
Back from the Smokies
Got home from our trip to the Smokies with the Gabhart side of the family – the brothers and sisters. We had a beautiful cabin up on the side of a mountain and a great time talking and catching up on all our family news. When Darrell’s mom died a few years ago, we decided to make a special effort …
Two states down – Two to go!
I made my trip to New Albany, Indiana. The Heaven Help Us Bookstore was a beautiful place owned by a couple of beautiful people, Nyla and Mary Lou. They were mother and daughter team, and both had a love of books. Their store overflowed with lots of other lovely Christian items as well. I did a little Christmas shopping while …
A Writer Needs to Feed Her Imagination
I talked to a fun bookclub on Monday night by phone. I’m not great at hearing on speaker phones, but I could tell those ladies of the South Zumbra Church Book Club were having a good time. And not just because they were talking to me although I’m sure that put a little extra zing in the meeting – getting …
The Joys of the Electronic Age and Booksignings
Hi, everybody. Thanks for stopping by. But this post is late since my phone lost its dial tone all weekend. The repairman just called a few minutes ago to say our phone was working again. Somebody dug a fencepost hole and cut the cable. I don’t know who was fencing, but it wasn’t us. Anyway, out here in the sticks …