We just got home from the last night of our revival at Goshen. How many of your churches still have revivals? I’ll guess they aren’t like the revivals of old. I’ve been told of two week revivals, but since I’ve been faithfully attending Goshen, revivals started on Monday with the evangelist and went through the next Sunday. And we never …
Wild and Wonderful West Virginia Book Festival
Well, it’s Sunday night, and I’m trying to wind down from a way too busy week. But it promises to be that way all this month. I knew October was going to be extra busy. We’re having revival at church through Wednesday and then my booksigning at Joseph-Beth’s Booksellers in Lexington with Virginia Smith is this Thursday night. I hope …
Finishing the Race
Hi, everybody. Another Wednesday, but this one not the ordinary mid-week hump Wednesday. My daughter and her husband are visiting this week after a weekend in Texas where Gary, my son-in-law, entered and finished an Ironman race. That’s impressive. It took him five hours and forty-three minutes to swim a mile plus, bike fifty some miles and run thirteen miles. …
Homecoming Day
Tomorrow Goshen, my little country church, will celebrate 196 years of keeping the doors open at our annual Homecoming Day. Visitors and former members will come “home” and remember growing up in the church. They’ll talk about going to Bible School and Sunday School there A few of them will even remember when the church was heated by a stove …
Why Do You Write?
Why do you write? That’s a question that has popped up in my life from time to time. What makes one person want to write everything down and another hate to write a two line thank you letter? I suppose it’s because we’re all wired differently. Some for writing. Some for dancing. Some for singing. Some for a thousand other …
Hi, everybody. Hope you had a great week and an even better weekend. Here we are looking October right in the face. Around here, October is a busy month what with Homecoming at my church, Goshen. That’s a big deal for us and in four years we’re going to have to have a really big deal since the church will …
Wednesday Smiles
Hey everybody! Can you believe it is already the last week of September? You blink twice and summer’s gone. I’m afraid to blink again. It might be Christmas and I wouldn’t have those grandbabies a present under the tree. I sometimes have this little mantra going under my breath. “Get organized. Get organized.” Maybe I should change it to “Chill …
Characters and the Things They Do
Hi everybody. I’m a little early this weekend, but Sunday promises to be busy. Besides catching up my blog is a good excuse not to be peeling apples the way I should be doing. That wind last weekend blew bushels off my trees. I sneaked over to my neighbor’s house and left a box full on her porch. I’m thinking …
The Blessing of the Dragonfly
Okay I told you I’d share this story from the NQC. I just hope I can do it justice. It brought tears to my eyes when my husband’s friend from Canada told it to us. Jason and my husband, Darrell, met at a singing school some years ago and hit it off because they are both bass singers and enjoy …
Meeting People and Hearing Stories at the NQC
What a week! We were at the National Quartet Convention every night and didn’t get home until the wee hours of the morning. I’m barely awake now, so hope what I’m writing is making sense. I didn’t hear much singing since we stayed out in the Exhibition Hall all week at the Patriot Quartet’s booth so we could meet and …