Quotes to help you keep on keeping on

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Here’s a couple of quotes to help you keep on keeping on even if today you’re discouraged. We all get discouraged. Some of us sometimes wonder if we should keep trying to follow our dreams. If success is out there anywhere. So here’s some encouragement. Don’t give up. Keep dreaming. Keep working toward those dreams. “Genius, that power which dazzles …

Creative Moments

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Hi everybody. Hope you had a tremendous week with good blessings chasing you everywhere you went. You know sometimes we stay so busy that we don’t always pay attention to the blessings around us. At church we have a Thanksgiving and Praise List in our bulletin where we mention special blessings of the week and those everyday blessings too. Things …

Quotes to Make Us Think

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Hi guys. Just a reminder if you’re at the Blue Grass Book Festival on Saturday at JosephBeth Bookstore in Lexington, come by and say hello. My quotes of the week are wise sayings from various writers and others. Some make you smile. Some make you think. Some made me add a comment or two. What do they make you want …