Thank you all for sharing about your favorite birds after I wrote about birds in my stories. You had so many favorites, and I enjoyed reading about them. Cardinals and hummingbirds were mentioned often. Cardinals are so bright and cheerful and hummingbirds fun to watch as well as lovely. Woodpeckers showed up among your favorites several times and doves with …
Proverbs for a 1st Sunday Devotional
Thanks to all of you who played along with my rewriting the old proverbs game. You came up with some great rewrites – some that were smile-worthy with a fun twist and others that had some good wisdom added. The Bible has a whole book of proverbs full of wisdom. A good definition of a biblical proverb is “a short …
1st Sunday Devotional – Snow
Snow! You either love it, endure it, or hate it. Or maybe like me, you like it sometimes, maybe even most of the time, but get tired of it if the snow overstays its welcome. I’m sort of the one good snow a year and that’s enough, but I know some people love snow so much they want the ground …
1st Sunday Devotional – Patience is a Virtue
“Patience is a virtue; virtue is a grace.” — Jacob Rees-Mogg When my children were still young and often had to wait for something, such as their mother getting something done for them, I would often tell them that patience was a great virtue. I’m sure they didn’t consider the wisdom of my words, but instead wanted to shut their …
1st Sunday Devotional – Spiderwebs
The spider skillfully grasps with its hands, and it is in kings’ palaces. …Proverbs 30:28 (NKJ) One of the things that are especially fun to see when I go walking on the farm in the early morning while the dew is heavy on the grass are the spiderwebs. Sometimes before the hay is cut in the field, I see dozens …
God Made Farmers – 1st Sunday Devotional
The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn’t still be a farmer. – Will Rogers Most of you who read my posts here know I’m a farm girl. I grew up on a farm and have lived on a farm all my life. While my husband has retired from farming, we still enjoy farm living. A young farmer …
A Lesson from Crows – 1st Sunday Devotional
When a crow says an intelligent thing, chickens may laugh at it. This is the laughing of the sand castles at the powerful waves! ~Mehmet Murat Ildan I love birds. I like watching them fly in and out to my birdfeeder. I like it when one of them comes close to my window to perch on the windowsill. I like …
1st Sunday Devotional – Patience
“Have patience with all things but first of all with yourself.” —Francis de Sales All things includes all things. Even dogs. And especially Frankie. Many of you have probably smiled at the story you might sometimes hear Christians share about how a woman asked a preacher to pray with her to help her have more patience. As the story goes, the …
1st Sunday Devotional – The Common Daisy
Do you like seeing daisies? Usually by June, the fields where I walk the dogs have plenty of daisies to enjoy. There is just something so cheerful about a daisy bloom, especially when it just pops up out of the green grasses to add color and a sunny feel to the field. The common name daisy originates from the Old …
1st Sunday Devotional – Surprise Kittens
This morning at church we sang the song “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” What a beautiful song with such meaningful words. I love the line “Morning by morning, new mercies I see” in the chorus. I think if we look, most of us can see those new mercies or blessings each and every day. A little history of the song– The …