Birds chirping around you is a beautiful realization that life is incredibly good. Let this sound be a gentle break in your routine. ~Hiral Nagda I like birds. My mom liked birds. She loved feeding them and so do I. So I suppose it’s only natural that I enjoy putting a few birds in my stories. The three books pictured …
A Day with Avid Readers on Instagram
On Thursday, I had the fun chance to take over the Avid Readers of Christian Fiction Instagram page for a day. Sort of a writer for the day. I shared about my writing with an emphasis on my new book, The Song of Sourwood Mountain. I had earlier been interviewed on Writer’s Desk. You can check out that interview post …
Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #11
Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #11 Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all the stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes! The hunt BEGINS on 3/14 at noon MST with Stop #1 …
Summertime and Whippoorwills
It could mean many things, according to the wealth of myth surrounding this night flyer. The note of the whippoorwill borne over the fields is the voice with which the woods and moonlight woo me. –Henry David Thoreau (1817–62), American Writer Summer is sliding past. School has started here in my county. Much earlier than it used to when I …
Picking Beans in An Appalachian Summer
An Appalachian Summer – Ebook sale for $2.99 or less While writing Sunday’s post about picking beans with my son and grandkids and how I enjoyed our garden talk, I remembered writing about some bean picking and garden talking in my book, An Appalachian Summer. In that story my character, Piper (who they nicknamed Danny) picked beans and did that …
Special EBook Sale for An Appalachian Summer
I was so happy that I got to go back to the Appalachian Mountains for another story about the Frontier Nursing Service after I wrote These Healing Hills a few years ago. I liked writing about a Frontier Nursing midwife the way I did in that story, but I wanted to share more of the Frontier Nurses Service history. The nurse …
Last Chance to Enter My End of the Year Book Giveaway
The last time always seems sad, but it isn’t really. The end of one thing is only the beginning of another. ~Laura Ingals Wilder, These Happy Golden Years Thanks to those of you who have dropped in here during the month of December when so much is sometimes going on with Christmas gatherings, special church services, and maybe new books …
Story First Line Fun
A novel needs a good first line. It needs every line to be good but that first line in your story needs to grab a reader’s interest. Those few words need to be a flashing pointer toward the rest of the story. A good first line can also help a writer dive into the story. Most writers, including me, work …
Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall
Seasons of the year can give you some variety in weather. I like living in a place where each season has its time. Here in Kentucky, sometimes a bit of one season can sneak into a different season. Actually, it’s a pretty good chance that will happen, especially in the spring and fall. We can think we’ve left winter behind …
Spring’s Little Winters
What winter is this? Once when I mentioned a “winter” in the springtime on Facebook, some people had never heard of such things. Perhaps it’s mostly something farmers or country people come up with to label the cool snaps that come every year after spring is officially here. It will warm up and give us some beautiful days and then …