Christmas with family is good on whatever day your family can all get together at one time. This year for us it was yesterday. That’s a little earlier than usual. We generally try to make it work a day or so before or after Christmas. That couldn’t happen this year. So, I had to get busy with my shopping and …
Top Ten List of Christmas Joys and a Giveaway Chance
Do you like to make lists? At Christmas, I go a little overboard making lists. I make lists of those I want to give gifts. Then, I make lists of the gifts I’ve bought for them. I even make lists of the presents I’ve wrapped. When you have nine grandkids, a few grandkids in love, three kids and their beautiful …
The Rest of the Story and Another Caption Game Picture
“I can feel infinitely alive curled up on the sofa reading a book.” ― Benedict Cumberbatch All of you are making my Caption Game so much fun. You had some great captions for the first two pictures, but you outdid yourselves for Sunday’s picture. Yeah, I know I accidentally published it on Saturday, but it was supposed to be Sunday’s …
A Picture Can Tell a Story
Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up. ~Allen Klein I hope you are having fun playing my Photo Caption Game. I looked at pictures tonight …
What’s Your Caption for this Girl?
Caption Picture 2 Thanks to all of you who played my caption game on Sunday’s post. You came up with some good ones. And some that if I had a recording of the conversation at the table those years ago, might even have been what was said. “Who is that in the picture?” That has to be often said when …
Book Giveaway Chance from Suzanne Woods Fisher
If you’ve read much inspirational fiction, the name Suzanne Woods Fisher is sure to be one you know. Suzanne is a bestselling author of over 40 books. She’s written numerous Amish themed books, historical fiction, contemporary fiction, children’s stories, and nonfiction. If you don’t know Suzanne’s work already, you can check out more about her and her books on her …
Back-2-School Booksta Win
What did you like best about going back to school in the fall or actually late summer around our way these days? When I was a kid, school usually started the day after Labor Day. That seemed the official end of summer. I was always ready to go back to school and …
A Blog Book Party
I had my Hometown Book Party Saturday and people actually showed up to hear me talk about my books and writing. Every person who entered the meeting room was like a special gift to me. They even smiled when I asked my son to take our picture. Some came who had been to almost every one of my book parties …
Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #21
Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all the stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes! The hunt BEGINS on 6/15 at noon MST with Stop #1 at Hunt through our loop …
Every Day Can Bring a New Mystery
There is always a pleasure in unraveling a mystery, in catching at the gossamer clue which will guide to certainty. – Elizabeth Gaskell I’ve had a great time playing the mystery photo game with you all this time around. It feels like we just got started instead of being already to our last mystery photo. I have struggled over what to …