Some things are keepsakes that can’t be gotten rid of even though they have no real value other than sentimental attachment. This picture is one of those things here at my mother’s house that my sisters and I would never be able to throw away. When we were children, the picture hung in the corner of our aunt’s living room. It …
One Thin Dime and Other Treasures
I’m sure you’ve heard people say they don’t have “a dime to their name.” Or that some things are a “dime a dozen.” Or it’s “not worth a dime.” You can be absolutely sure they weren’t talking about this dime. Take a good look at this beauty and then take another look. It’s worth it. I’m not a coin collector, but this story …
Romance with Books
“Books in a home with growing children is one of the most important things you can put in a house.” ~ Thomas D. Clark (Kentucky historian and friend) I was a guest blogger over on The Romance Dish this week with a post about “The Romance of Writing.” Lots of good comments came in about what readers liked in the …
A New Book in Hand
It’s fun when the doorbell rings and it’s the Fed Ex driver bringing a new book. Especially when it’s your new book or I suppose in this case – my new book! The Seeker is all printed and ready to go. This was an early rush “so I could see it first” copy but the others will soon be on …
Moments in Time
Today while I was walking I got to thinking about how I remember odd moments in my life. I’m sure you do too. Of course we all have those universal moments we remember. Moments of tragedy or world changing events so intense that we remember exactly what we were doing when we got the news. The bombing of Pearl Harbor. …
Who to Thank?
~~This is a picture of my mom and my youngest grandbaby and her youngest great grandbaby. ~~I wrote an author’s note for one of my upcoming books thanking the people who had helped make the book possible. I never know for sure who I should thank first. My editor? My agent? My publisher? ~~Then I realized that person – the …
Reasons for Thanksgiving
This is one of my books you might win if you want your name to be in the hat for my Thanksgiving giveaway. Just leave a comment with a way to get in touch with you in case you win or send me an e-mail from my website, As those of you who keep up with this blog know, …
A Story Web
–I’ve been thinking about writing about how a story can be an intricate web like a spider web for a few weeks now, but I wanted a picture of a spider web to go with it. I went out to the free photo files on the internet. There were some great spider web shots on those sites and it said …
Connecting with Friends
How do you connect with friends these days? Do you call them up on the phone, text message them on your cell phone, write an old-fashioned snail mail letter or a modern e-mail? Do you go out on the web searching for old friends on Facebook? Maybe you tweet for friends? Ten years ago if you’d said you tweet for …
A Book by Any Other Name – Titles
Another Sunday. A hot one here in Kentucky. Humidity level is at that point where if you walk outside you get real humid and start sweating before you take two steps. I’m one of those people who isn’t all that fond of refrigerator air all summer, but it doesn’t feel half bad this week. I used to work at an …