A writer spends a lot of time alone with her keyboard. Well, not exactly alone. She’s surrounded by characters. Sometimes those characters are chatty and ready to get on with their stories, and other times, the characters are obstinate as old mules in going through the gate of an author’s story. But in spite of the imaginary madness spinning around …
Angel Sister’s First Book Launch
For a writer, when your book is finally out there for the public to read is a time to savor. The reward for all those days sitting in front of the computer trying to force words out of your brain and wondering if the story would ever get told. It’s the bonus for waiting through the year as your book …
Words to Tickle an Author’s Ears
What do you say to the author of a book you’ve just read? Well, if you like the book or even love the book, you might go to the writer’s website (most writers have one these days) or find their page on Facebook and send them a message telling them how glad you were to read their book. Those messages …