Deadlines, Dandelions and Stories

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal My deadline is staring me in the face. My book in progress needs to be off to the editor before Monday.  I suppose if publishing houses didn’t set deadlines for writers, we might play with our stories and words forever and never get them out there for readers. So deadlines are good.  Even before I had deadlines from editors, …

Creeks, Cliffs and Wildflowers

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Lots to do! Deadline zooming toward me for my work in progress and the words are coming slow. Chores need doing! New floor going down in the kitchen and bathroom and new room. New floors going down need everything moved off them! Not enough hours in the day. Sometimes it’s hard getting everything done since I have to spend so …

Deadline – Three Days and Counting

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

A goal is a dream with a deadline. ~Napoleon Hill Persistence is the word I always tell aspiring writers they need to be sure is in their arsenal of writing tools. It’s good to have a gift for words. It’s even better to have the imagination to come up with unique and exciting story ideas. Enthusiasm for any project is …