“Correction does much, but encouragement does more.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe A few years ago, I was blessed to go to a writer’s retreat in California. After the retreat was over, my husband I took the 27 Mile Drive along the coastline between Monterey and Carmel. Along the route we stopped to see this tree out on that rocky point. …
A Lesson from Crows – 1st Sunday Devotional
When a crow says an intelligent thing, chickens may laugh at it. This is the laughing of the sand castles at the powerful waves! ~Mehmet Murat Ildan I love birds. I like watching them fly in and out to my birdfeeder. I like it when one of them comes close to my window to perch on the windowsill. I like …
The Gift of Encouraging Words
Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble. ~Yehuda Berg How many of you, as children, learned the …
A Moonbeam Award
Before I had the good fortune to find a home with an inspirational book publisher, I wrote a number of books for younger readers. Some of them were what might be called chapter books for middle readers. That would be kids eight to twelve or thereabouts. These were “coming of age” stories about a young character facing some crisis in …
Mystery Photo Turns Out to be a Home Run
You could be a kid for as long as you want when you play baseball. ~Cal Ripken, Jr. Well, I finally did it again. Got a mystery picture that flummoxed you all, and I really thought this one wasn’t that mysterious. Just shows what a difference it makes when you know what the photo is before you make the bit …
Book Party Time
Back in 2005 when my first Christian novel, Scent of Lilacs, was published, I decided to have a book launch party to celebrate. While that was my fourteenth published novel, it had been several years since my last young adult book was published and Scent of Lilacs represented a new beginning for me. I was stepping into a new market …
New Book – Freak of the Week
Books come in all sizes for all types of readers. I’ve jumped around in some of those types. I’ve written for the general market and the Christian market. I’ve written for young adults and for middle readers. I’ve even written a picture book that hasn’t made it out to readers yet. I’ve written historical romance, mysteries, Shaker stories and family …