“The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different.” – J.B. Priestley I like living in an area where the landscape takes on new looks as the seasons change. That’s not to say that I’m not ready …
The Wonders of Winter – 1st Sunday Devotional
Are those the magic fairy wands glistening on the trees or only winter icicles that I see? (Anonymous) Every day I take a break from writing and go walking with my two dogs, Frankie and Marley. Dogs are very good motivators for keeping a person moving. They love walking. Well, Frankie loves it more than Marley, but that’s because Marley …
Mother Nature Putting on a Show
Winter showed up around here last night in a hurry. The weather forecasters even had a new word for winter – Flash Freeze. That was what it did last night and then the rain turned to snow. Woke up this morning to a white world. My dog, Frankie, was happy. He likes the snow and doesn’t mind the wind chills …
Surprised by Icicles
Are those the magic fairy wands glistening on the trees or only winter icicles that I see? (Anonymous) I took a break from trying to flesh out a new story idea yesterday and went walking. Walking is a good time for thinking. You see everything around you, but you don’t have to really think about how you’re moving your feet …
Icicles and Snow Cream
~~We missed most of the snow this go around. Barely got enough snow here to think about it but they got slammed or maybe I should say buried to the north and east of us. I like snow once or twice a year but then I’m ready to move on toward sunshine and flowers. But even though we didn’t get …