I’m not exactly sure when I first started sharing my Sunday morning walks and sights, but I think 2012 could have been close to the start if not the start. That was back when Facebook had a limit on how many words per post and I had to work hard to tell what I wanted in few words. I …
1st Sunday Devotional – The Gift of an Ordinary Day
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present. ~Bill Keane Have you ever felt that each Sunday when you get up and have the privilege of going to church before having time with family or just resting time is a blessed gift? Maybe you feel that way every …
Inspiration, Research, and Characters
You all really know how to make a blog book party fun. Thank you so much for showing up and for all the great questions you’re asking. I picked three to answer on tonight’s post. If you’ve already read them in the comments, you already know my answers. But maybe some of you waited to see some of the …
Ever Name a Dog or a Cat?
“An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.” — Martin Buber If you’ve ever had a pet, especially one you raised from a puppy or kitten or adopted from a shelter, you probably had to come up with a name for your pet. I say had to but naming a pet is one of the fun things …
A Perfect Spring Day for a Wildflower Hunt
When you get a perfect spring day in April on a Saturday or a Sunday, you need to take advantage of the gift if you can. And when the whole weekend feels like a perfect June day, it’s time to be outside. We did go to church which was inside. I have remembered times when it was suggested we carry …
Sunday Mornings Coming Down
“There’s a sunrise awaiting everyone who wishes to see beyond what their windows allow them to see.” ― Maria S Haneef Those of you who follow my Facebook author page know that I invite everyone along on my “Sunday morning coming down” walks each week. Wherever I am, which is usually right here at home, I go out with the dogs …
Welcome Marley
“I’m late! I’m late! For a very important date! No time to say hello, goodbye! I’m late! I’m late! I’m late!” (The White Rabbit in Alice in the Wonderland) Yes, I am late with this post – again. I was late last week too. The White Rabbit’s lament runs through my head whenever I think about being late and sometimes I sing …