“A mother is the one who fills your heart in the first place.” – Amy Tan Today is my mother’s birthday. She’s been gone on to heaven now for almost ten years. I still miss her. She was one of those best moms ever. Birthdays were always a time for a family celebration. While we might not have always celebrated …
Did You Wear Green Today?
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Whether you have Irish in your blood or not, it’s always fun to wear green on St. Paddy’s Day. Not that I think anybody should get pinched for not wearing green. I don’t think that was a thing when I was a kid, and not a thing I’d want anyway. We’ll just leave the pinching off …
Remembering Mom’s Birthday
On my last post I celebrated my daughter’s birthday. Tonight I’m celebrating Mom’s. Tomorrow, the 16th of March, is Mom’s birthday. This is the eighth time I’ve remembered her special day when I couldn’t celebrate in person with her. She passed on in July 2015 and I still miss her. But I think we always miss our moms. I know …
A New Photo Ready for Your Caption
You people are great caption writers! Thanks so much for coming up with some good thoughts for Oscar. He agrees he might have said them all! But what do I think he might have said? I know. You didn’t ask, but it’s my fingers on the keyboard right now. 🙂 Actually, I was with many of you who thought of …
Missing Mom on her Birthday
Celebrating Mom’s birthday! Mom (on the right) and her sisters, Evelyn and Margaret Mom and me and my dogs Mom and her grandkids Monday the 16th of March is Mom’s birthday. The first birthday I haven’t been able to celebrate with her. She’s gone on to heaven where she doesn’t have to worry about getting older and where every day …
When Things Go Wrong
Some days are harder than other days. Some days we get up and whatever can go wrong seems to be in a hurry to head down that road. I had one of those afternoons last week. A day when everything seemed to pile on. I had a lot to do. Words for the new story weren’t exactly spilling out. The …
Mom celebrates 91 years
Today was my mother’s 91st birthday. She has a hard time believing it. Every time we tell her she’s 91, she gives us a look as if we must be crazy. Like there’s no way she could be 91. She’s even more surprised and amazed if we start telling her how old we – her daughters – are. I know …
Sunday Traditions
Don’t you just love Sundays? There’s even something about the word that sounds good – Sunday. What did you do on Sundays when you were a kid? We visited with family most every Sunday. One Sunday my cousins and their parents would be at our house. The next Sunday we’d go to theirs. We had so much fun. Then when …
Memories on my Mother’s Birthday
Today is my mother’s birthday. She is 88. She was the second of four sisters. No brothers. Her father was a blacksmith and her mother was a housewife when that word seemed to carry more honor. Now we’re homemakers or domestic engineers or a lot of us are wearing so many hats we don’t know what to call ourselves. Mom …