“A mother is the one who fills your heart in the first place.” – Amy Tan Today is my mother’s birthday. She’s been gone on to heaven now for almost ten years. I still miss her. She was one of those best moms ever. Birthdays were always a time for a family celebration. While we might not have always celebrated …
What Moms Say
It’s Mom’s Day. Everybody has a mother and many of us are that mother for some kids. My mother had three daughters. I have two sons and one daughter. Good kids who all told me “Happy Mother’s Day” today. I saw the two sons this weekend and will see the daughter in a few days. I love being a mother. …
A Letter to Mom
Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever. ~Author Unknown I miss my mother. She moved on up to heaven eight years ago, but I don’t think you ever stop missing your mom in some deep inner spot. My mom had a good life. She was a good mom. A loving mom. The best mom …
Mothers in My Stories
“Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding the family together.” —Susan Gale I hope you had a blessed Mother’s Day. Not everyone is a mother, but everyone has a mother. Many of us have had to say our earthly goodbyes to our mothers, but they still live in our hearts through the many memories …
Wind Beneath My Wings
In all my recent novels, I have an author’s note at the end thanking the people who helped make my book possible. I have so many people to thank. My editors who help me make my stories the best they can be. My agent who always is ready with encouragement. My publishing team who works to present my books …
The Birth of a Mother
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. ~Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Yesterday was the birthday of my first child, a boy. His birth changed everything for me. I was no longer a teenage with nothing on my mind other than …
Meet a Mother from Along a Storied Trail
There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one. ~Jill Churchill Happy Mother’s Day to all of you. Many of us are mothers which is plenty of reason to celebrate this special day, but whether you have children yourself, you, for sure, had a mother. We can all celebrate the …
What Momisms did your Mom Say?
Some are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together. ~Pearl S. Buck I’m still thinking about Moms. And why not? Don’t you thing a mom deserves a week of special thoughts and memories. Someone on my Facebook page last week said she thought we should change …
Too Young but Blessed
“Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life.” (Sophocles) Happy Mother’s Day to all of you. As I told the people at church this morning, we can all be thankful we had a mother because we all do. Usually on Mother’s Day, I write about my mother. If you look through my archives and search for Mother’s Day, …
What Momisms Do You Remember?
We’ve been having fun on my Facebook page with Momisms. Those things your mother used to say to you when you were a kid that maybe didn’t exactly make you happy at the time. And then you grew up and maybe became a mother and found yourself saying some of the same things or perhaps coming up with new Momisms …
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