“A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.” — Tom Wilson Have you ever seen a dog smile? You might say Frankie is smiling here, or it could just be a goofy look. You can decide. We did have a dog named Tate once that did smile. Whenever we would get home after being to church, town, school, …
Smiles Spread Sunshine
A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. (Proverbs 17:22 NKJ) Usually when I think of the above Bible verse, I just want to remember the first part of the verse. I like thinking about the good medicine of smiles and laughter, but it’s not as good thinking about those with broken spirits and …
Some Smiles for Wednesday on Thursday
Do you remember that guy on the Popeye cartoons who always said he wanted a hamburger on Tuesday when it was Wednesday or something? Oops, looks like I’m not remembering it too well myself. So, of course, I had to go look it up. His name was J. Wellington Wimpy and his famous hamburger line was “I’d gladly pay you …
Mysteries in the World of Texting
I’m a little nervous about doing this post. SIMB (Shaking in my boots) because I think I’ve had TMB (too many birthdays) to figure out all these shortcuts in the world of texting. See the picture. That’s where I am. Still thinking a fountain pen and notebook has to be the best way to write anything. But alas, I …
Smiles on My Birthday
Do you like celebrating birthdays? Or do you groan when a birthday comes around to add a year to make you feel older? I don’t groan. I appreciate every birthday. I just don’t bother counting them. In fact, since today is my birthday and I’m not doing any adding up, I’ve been asking people around me this question that …
A Spring To Do Happiness List
On a beautiful spring day, it can be easy to be happy. On a beautiful spring day that also happens to be Easter Sunday, it’s easy to be joyful. Due to picking up a pesky germ that has me keeping the tissue box always within reach, I think I missed going to church on an Easter Sunday for the first …
Smiles for Valentine’s
“Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze.” ~Elinor Glyn Valentine’s Day is in a couple of days. It’s a day for romance. Guys get girls flowers and candy. But it also celebrates love in other ways too. Moms and Dads get kids toys and candy. Friends give each other hugs and smiles. …
1st Sunday Devotional – The Bible and Smiles
“Joy is God’s smile; love is God’s laughter.” ― Matshona Dhliwayo Do you love to smile? Smiles can make you feel better even when you don’t really feel as though you have any reason to smile. I just wrote a post about how smiles are good for us last month. So this seemed the perfect time to share a devotional about …
Smiles Are Good for You
“The world always looks brighter from behind a smile.” — Unknown Does it make you feel good to smile? Here are a few facts about smiles that you might not only find interesting but they might make you smile. Smiling helps us live longer – People who smile are generally happier. Smiling decreases blood pressure and released those nice …
What Little Joys in Life Make You Happy?
What makes you happy? I’m sure if you ever complained to your parents that you weren’t happy, they may have told you that you can’t be happy all the time. But sometimes happiness is a state of mind. You probably know people who seem to be happy every time you see them. They are ready to smile and look on …