Of all days, the day on which one has not laughed is the one most surely wasted. ~Nicholas Chamfort I used to keep this quote on my desk calendar along with other motivational quotes. It is good to have smiles every day. Good laughs even better. I try to share smiles on Friday on my Facebook page. Sometimes even the …
Kids Explain Why God Made Moms
Since I’m busy trying to meet a deadline for my work in progress and with Along a Storied Trail releasing last week, things have been busy. Along with that, I had a granddaughter celebrating a birthday last week, another granddaughter graduating high school in a neighboring state, and a different granddaughter visiting for a marathon game of Monopoly. I did …
No Smiles for the Camera
Have you ever eaten at Cracker Barrel and noticed all the old pictures hanging on their walls? Those stern ancestors of some family that didn’t care enough to keep their pictures? They are always large framed photographs. Poster sized. No small eight by ten photos for them. The men nearly always have long beards and look like the father or …
Hanging Clothes Out to Dry
I’m still working hard to trim my new novel down to size and so I’m sharing some smiles tonight. This was a pass-around on social media a few years ago that I happened to save. I’ve hung out many lines of clothes in my life. There’s nothing quite as fragrant as sheets and towels off the line. But in the …
Special Delivery – One Kitten
I’m working hard to try to finish my new book. It’s been a struggle on some of the writing days. It’s not that I haven’t had time for writing what with the shelter in place advisories for the last two months. But some stories take a little more tugging and pulling to get them out of my imagination. So to …
A Day for Books and Smiles
“To dream of afar, to chase a star, to believe in Captain Hook. To dance with bears and have no cares, this is the magic of a book.” ― H.L. Stephens The Kentucky Book Fair was yesterday, and in my last blog post I mentioned that I’d probably smile so much all day that I would have tired smiling muscles …
Wishing You a Great 2018
Happy New Year, everybody! Can you believe we are heading into 2018? I remember what seems not long ago we were worrying about the change from 1999 to 2000 and how it was going to disrupt our world. But the night changed to day on that New Year’s and we kept living our lives. Our computer system didn’t blow up. …
Want to Know Why God Made Moms – Ask a Kid
Why did God make Moms? Well, we know all the loving reasons, but how about some practical reasons as figured out by a few kids? This is sort of a rerun of a post from 2008 but that’s so long ago, I figure you’ve long forgotten it or if you haven’t, you won’t mind smiling over these kids talking about …
Missing Mom’s Smile
“Christmas is far and away my favorite holiday. I love everything about it, from the event that inspired it, hoping for a white one, to wrapping presents. But mostly I love having family and friends gathered, and sharing traditions.” ~Ellen Hopkins I hope you all had a merry and joyous Christmas with your families and friends. And if you couldn’t …
February Love and Smiles
February is drawing to a close and so is heart month. But I’ve still got some Valentine’s stories to share. Some romantic. Some sweet. Some to make you smile. First the Romance Several of you shared about Valentine’s Day proposals. Here’s Leslie’s. My husband, then boyfriend, took me to a fancy restaurant. He said he had to go to the …