Do you like snow? Are you one of those people who wear sweatshirts that say “Let it snow?” Or are you somebody who wouldn’t care if you ever saw another snowflake and wish you were in Florida every time you are bombarbed with those flakes? I sort of like snow as long as it doesn’t overstay its welcome. One nice …
Getting Sun the Hard Way
We’re having a heat wave here in Kentucky. Upper 90’s and all those crazy heat index numbers the weather people came up to make us feel miserable in the summer the way we do in the winter when they start spouting wind chill temperatures. It’s never just whatever temperature the thermometer says anymore. I could have used some of that …
Why I Hate February
February 1, 1966 Jocie Brook here reporting from Hollyhill, Kentucky. I’ll have to keep Dad from seeing that headline. He would sit me down and give me a long talk about hating any day. He’d tell me that every day was a gift from the Lord and one to be glad to face. He would say he learned how precious …
Snow Means No School
February 2, 1966 Jocie Brooke here reporting from very snowy Hollyhill, Kentucky. Do you like snow? I do. So much that I decided to write a poem about it. A Haiku. Do you know what that is? I sort of do. We’ve been talking about them in English at school. It’s a short three line poem. Not sure exactly how …
March Snow? 12 Things that might be Good
March is usually a headed toward Spring month here in Kentucky. Flowers begin to appear. There are days with a generous dose of warm sunshine to soak into your skin after the winter cold. The normal temperature for a Kentucky day in early March is in the 50s. Sometimes we’re treated to much warmer. And sometimes we’re slammed with much …
A Day Off from Church and School
January 26, 1966 Jocie Brooke here reporting from Hollyhill, Kentucky. It snowed on Saturday. The roads were too slick for us to have church at Mount Pleasant. Dad says it’s better to be safe and cancel church rather than have some of the older members maybe slide off the road and get hurt or sick trying to get their cars …
Remembering Roxie, My Walking Buddy Saint Bernard
Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love; they depart to teach us about loss. ~Erica Jong I lost one of my walking buddies last week. Roxie lived across the road from me. She came to her family when she was a pup and already bigger than many dogs are when they are grown. A fuzzy furry sweatheart. …
Jocie Shares a Scene from Summer of Joy
February 17, 1965 Jocie Brooke here reporting from Hollyhill, Kentucky three days after Valentine’s Day. It’s been snowing and snowing. That’s given me lots of time to think about all the different kinds of love and back to some of the things that happened in those Heart of Hollyhill books I’m in. You know it’s funny that last Hollyhill …
Bumpy Sledding and Editing
I’ve been away from home for a few days keeping my son’s kids. Great kids, but lively. There was snow up their way and of course they wanted to go out and play in it. Trouble was the wind chill was double minus something. It wasn’t so bad the day I got there and so we rushed on our boots …
Snow Scenes – Real and Imagined
A snow day literally and figuratively falls from the sky, unbidden, and seems like a thing of wonder. ~Susan Orlean Kentucky winters are unpredictable. We might have snow. We might not. When my oldest son was six, he got a sled for Christmas. We did not have sledding snow for years. Then the year he was eleven the heavens opened …