I’m not exactly sure when I first started sharing my Sunday morning walks and sights, but I think 2012 could have been close to the start if not the start. That was back when Facebook had a limit on how many words per post and I had to work hard to tell what I wanted in few words. I …
1st Sunday Devotional – The Gift of an Ordinary Day
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present. ~Bill Keane Have you ever felt that each Sunday when you get up and have the privilege of going to church before having time with family or just resting time is a blessed gift? Maybe you feel that way every …
Sunday Morning Coming Down – Strolling in the Past
Years ago, I started walking with my dogs early in the mornings. First I had my best ever dog, Oscar, along with me. Later, after Oscar crossed the rainbow bridge, I got Frankie and then Marley who go for my morning walks with me now. On my Facebook author page, I started inviting my FB friends to go along with …
Sharing a Sunday Sunrise
“Cherish the times you can watch the sunrise, there’s only so many in a lifetime.” ~Unknown I post a little description of my Sunday morning walks with my dogs, Frankie and Marley each week on my Facebook page. They are the dark spots in the picture above. We never take a long morning walk. We go for the longer walk …
Sunday Mornings Coming Down
“There’s a sunrise awaiting everyone who wishes to see beyond what their windows allow them to see.” ― Maria S Haneef Those of you who follow my Facebook author page know that I invite everyone along on my “Sunday morning coming down” walks each week. Wherever I am, which is usually right here at home, I go out with the dogs …
A February Spring Day
The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds and swells the leaves within. ~William Cullen Bryant Sometimes Mother Nature gives us a wintertime gift. We got such a gift today here in Kentucky with plentiful sunshine and the temperature zooming up to 68 degrees. Let me repeat that! Sixty-eight degrees on February 3rd. What makes it even more …
Celebrations and Cooking
“I think careful cooking is love, don’t you? The loveliest thing you can cook for someone who’s close to you is about as nice a valentine as you can give.” ~Julia Child. Every Sunday morning I do a special post on my Facebook page – Sunday morning coming down – where I tell what I’m seeing out my window and sometimes what’s happening …