“A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.” — Tom Wilson Have you ever seen a dog smile? You might say Frankie is smiling here, or it could just be a goofy look. You can decide. We did have a dog named Tate once that did smile. Whenever we would get home after being to church, town, school, …
Storytellers Need Listeners
“No story lives unless someone wants to listen.” ~J.K. Rowling Someone once called me a storyteller and I have ever since thought it was one of the nicest compliments I have ever received about my writing. I want to tell stories or at least write them down. But as the J.K. Rowling quote says, if nobody listens/reads then a story …
First Line Inspiration
“An opening line should invite the reader to begin the story. It should say: Listen. Come in here. You want to know about this.” ~Stephen King One of the most important lines in a story is that very first one that you write. But as important as that is to grab the attention of a reader, a first line can …
Stepping toward a New Book
From the first spark of inspiration for a story to that story being a book a reader can pick up takes a while and goes through a number of steps. I first did some brainstorming for ideas for new stories that my publishers might be interested in seeing me write several years ago. As many of you know since you …