
Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, Heart of Hollyhill 8 Comments

Jocie Brooke here reporting from Hollyhill, Kentucky. At last. I know I’ve been dilatory about posting lately. Don’t you just love that word dilatory? Sounds just like what it means and goodness knows, Aunt Love thinks that describes me when she’s trying to get me to wash the dishes or bring the clothes in off the line. I get to …

Merry Heart Sundays

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 2 Comments

A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. (Proverbs 17:22 NKJ) Usually when I repeat the above Bible verse, I just say the first part of the verse. I like thinking about the good medicine of smiles and laughter, but it’s not as good thinking about those with broken spirits and sadness in their …

The Two Best Days of School

Ann H GabhartHeart of Hollyhill Leave a Comment

August 16, 1966 Jocie Brooke here reporting from Hollyhill, Kentucky. School starts tomorrow. Dad says I should be excited. He even preached on being excited about learning on Sunday. Of course, he was talking about learning from the Bible or learning more about Jesus. Not school. Maybe I used to get excited about starting school. Back when I was just …

Words in a Jam

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, Heart of Hollyhill

 July 28, 1965 Jocie Brooke here reporting from Hollyhill, Kentucky. You remember those blackberries I talked about picking last week. Well, they’re in a jam now. (Ha. Ha.) Wes says I’m getting to be a regular comedian. I tell him that’s only because I hang around with him so much. He laughs about that. Says a Jupiterian has to have …

From Under the Lilac Bush

Ann H GabhartHeart of Hollyhill

April 28, 1965 Jocie Brooke here reporting from Hollyhill. Actually, I’m reporting from under the lilac bush in our front yard. Can you smell them? Ahhh. They’re wonderful. The butterflies like them too, but I couldn’t get the butterflies to pose for my camera. They kept flitting away and film isn’t cheap as Dad is continually telling me. But Dad …

April Fools Day in Hollyhill

Ann H GabhartHeart of Hollyhill

April 1, 1965 Jocie Brooke here reporting from Hollyhill, Kentucky. It’s April Fools Day. That means I’ve got to be on the lookout all day for people ready to pull pranks. Especially Wes.  Wes says they invented April Fools Day up on Jupiter and the first Jupiterian who visited earth started it up here back in the 14th Century by …