Birds chirping around you is a beautiful realization that life is incredibly good. Let this sound be a gentle break in your routine. ~Hiral Nagda I like birds. My mom liked birds. She loved feeding them and so do I. So I suppose it’s only natural that I enjoy putting a few birds in my stories. The three books pictured …
First Line Inspiration
“An opening line should invite the reader to begin the story. It should say: Listen. Come in here. You want to know about this.” ~Stephen King One of the most important lines in a story is that very first one that you write. But as important as that is to grab the attention of a reader, a first line can …
A Lesson from Crows – 1st Sunday Devotional
When a crow says an intelligent thing, chickens may laugh at it. This is the laughing of the sand castles at the powerful waves! ~Mehmet Murat Ildan I love birds. I like watching them fly in and out to my birdfeeder. I like it when one of them comes close to my window to perch on the windowsill. I like …
When the Meadow Blooms EBook $1.99
When the Meadow Blooms is available for a special low ebook price this week only. You can download the book for $1.99 or less according to where you like to book shop online. I have some buy links on my website here. Always look twice before you hit enter when buying a book online to be sure you’re getting the price …
Mysteries and Stories Can Be Surprising
Mystery is at the heart of creativity. That, and surprise. ~Julia Cameron Another mystery has come and been solved – by some of you. When I posted Sunday’s mystery photo, I wasn’t sure whether it would be easy or hard. Whichever it was for you, I loved the guesses. Some were very fun. Ann threw up her hands and gave …
A Romantic Meeting & Book Giveaway Chance
Be brave, young lovers, and follow your star. ~Oscar Hammerstein II It was fun sharing a romantic scene from Love Comes Home on Wednesday’s post. Thanks to all of you who read it and took time to comment on the scene and on the types of romances you like to read in books. The romance threads in When the Meadow Blooms that released …
Last Chance to Enter My End of the Year Book Giveaway
The last time always seems sad, but it isn’t really. The end of one thing is only the beginning of another. ~Laura Ingals Wilder, These Happy Golden Years Thanks to those of you who have dropped in here during the month of December when so much is sometimes going on with Christmas gatherings, special church services, and maybe new books …
So Many Reasons to Be Thankful
There is one day that is ours. There is one day when all we Americans who are not self-made go back to the old home to eat saleratus biscuits and marvel how much nearer to the porch the old pump looks than it used to. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American. ~O. Henry Thanksgiving is a …
Sienna – a Tough Little Wildflower
“Wildflowers aren’t meant to be cut and tamed. They’re meant to be loved and admired.” — Anthony T. Hincks Thank you all for playing my Random Line Game. I hope you had fun. I did even though I was a little surprised that I had trouble deciding on which line to choose randomly. So, perhaps the selection wasn’t completely random …
More Book Fun & a Giveaway Chance
Thanks to all of you who suggested a book that I could send to Anita. I need to get that in the mail to her so she won’t think I forgot about her winning. I did already send the cuddly blanket winging its way to her. We could use a cuddly blanket around here today. Frost everywhere this morning and …